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Comment We need a new government... (Score 1) 462

This is clearly two sides of an ideological situation. One shit side says the government should have authority to do what it wants to people (the government and it's agents), but another side which is just as viable, but is being ignored by the legal system, is the public and earth citizen who doesn't generally get anything out of having the government trample all over their personal rights and civil liberties.

Nothing gives the government the right to have any authority over the people. Maybe we should push this as our agenda, and overthrow these disrespectful assholes who know no bounds with force? We can change the law and the rules to do whatever we please, like they did, except we will not pursue abuse of the public like they do and we will work to restrict government to it's maximum and put all the responsibility on the government agents who have collected and abused these powers in the past. I vote for government agents to not have the right to assault and beat citizens, spy on them, and go through all their personal property whenever they please.

Comment Re:All or nothing (Score 1) 903

There's the issue of children. How do they afford to pay for contraception if they aren't hireable, cannot work, and their parents are dead beats and refuse to help them out? Then the issue for kids to get contraception, should be for their health insurance to pay for it. Also, some of the best forms of contraception cost quite a bit, like Paragard IUDs costs about $700 for the device to be inserted.

Kids and even young women in their college years are the ones who most need to have this covered by health insurance so they can afford to regulate their birthing processes, stay in school, and are afforded the opportunity to be as successful as they can be, until they choose otherwise.

Comment davlik ported to windows? (Score 4, Informative) 319

Most Andriod apps are not native ARM apps, but Java / bytecode which run in a virtual machine called davlik. Port that to Windows / x64, and suddenly all the Android apps run in Windows. The Android environment itself could be emulated in Windows or tied to replacement functions like the Windows desktop in the new platform (instead of a phone/tablet interface).

Windows is POSIX compliant and supports Unix if they chose the route of emulating unix functions, or they could build their own environment like cygwin/etc. It doesn't need this, but some apps might need something like it if it exposed the underlying unix features. It depends on how they wanted to implment it, cause it could also just wrap over to the Windows environment..

Comment I am backdoor expert. (Score 1) 259

Backdoor into human mind through Remote Neural Monitoring/Electronic Brain Link to steal passwords and security certificates direct from the horse. Also hacks into PS/2, USB, DVI, WiFi, Ethernet, and Cellular signals remotely from space. Thank those "SIGINT/ELINT" satellites:

Then there's the backdoor built into the Windows operating system itself since 1999, which is an actual NSA digital certificate:

Then there's the backdoor that was exposed as being in AMD processors back in 2010, allowing all software and hardware security features to be bypassed, and unlocking secretive extra registers and other resources for use to run code in secret along side the actual operating system: (nobody knows where the debug mode originated, or if it was really put there for the NSA to use.). Intel has similar debug modes, however no public information has been provided on how to use it yet.

Comment shit judge (Score 1) 511

This judge is an idiot, who used inaccurate information to base his opinions on. He used the adminstrations misinformation that only metadata was collected and not content, while its been nearly confirmed that content was also being recorded and kept. The judge also thinks the surveillance system was put into place to fight terrorists, instead its known that the government is really using it for black ops abuses and to hide illegal activity of the US government. They are spying on all Americans as a method of control, to know our every thought and action, to use it on us as a weapon.

Comment Re:no privacy in your own thought..? (Score 1) 224

I guess you must be an NSA/FBI/CIA/DoD/police psychopath, combing the internet, spreading misinformation about legitimate surveillance technology and abuses of the government? Comments like yours certainly would seem to make others hesitant to believe this problem is real, which is the goal of the government.

Comment Re:Lies and fatuity. (Score 2) 224

Haven't you heard of SIgnals Intelligence? They don't need cameras and microphones to watch and hear you in your house. And they can read your mind with remote brain-computer interfaces, capturing the evoked potentials of your neurons, decoding the signals, to see what you see, hear, think, feel, dream, remember, and all your sensations and motor commands can be recorded, too. There is even a patent from1998 that covers all this.

In addition to that, if Signals Intelligence points their satellites at your house, they can capture the emissions from your electronics, TV, keyboards, and cellular devices, basically to see what is on your screens, what you type, and communicate through encrypted cellular signals, and more.

Tech links:

NSA Whistleblower Russell Tice backs it up, at least the space weapons/capability issue in the videos there listed on the site.

They are reading your thoughts by monitoring all your telephone and Facebook communications, as well. He says what he means, this is what they're really doing.

Comment Re:no privacy in your own thought..? (Score 1) 224

No, the US government makes people sound psychotic. They abuse people with energy weapons, fuck people up, then leave them for dead without a lot of way to get help. There are thousands of victims out there, and this has been talked about in the Washington Post article Mind Games. Another good website is Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

Our government has invented weapons to attack people remotely, and they are the ones doing this to people.

Comment no privacy in your own thought..? (Score 1) 224

government knows so much about the public that they have essentially got the hidden ability to mind control society. control all information, providing us misinformation to hide the truth and manipulate people, keeping us all in the dark to the truth of what's really occurring through use of illegal surveillance. they keep society weak by enforcing the laws to protect the corporations and grant them the ability to do wage enslavement, to control access to things they can fight with like education, healthcare, housing, and food, and keeping the truth hidden so we cannot make informed decisions about what is really happening. meanwhile, we all suffer, and live by their rule.

Also, the government takes this a step further: they love it when you pour your life out into a telephone and Facebook message, so they can monitor everything you're doing, so they know exactly how to manipulate and control you. they also have a vast network of satellites and remote sensing technology, that allows cellular, WiFi, and mind reading tech to work. they literally can tap your mind, extract any thought or memory, and stay on top of any situation. the outsiders have no idea that we're truly being controlled that well. technology / SIGINT details, dozens of NRO and ELINT satellites, Strategic Defense Initiative details (energy weapons, with ability to target humans, etc), and Remote Neural Monitoring details/patent information at:

We only think we have civil rights and freedoms. If they can do it all in secret, we got nothing. It is a true police/military state right now! This is exactly the way the game is being played.

Comment Re:ECT saved a close relative's life ... (Score 0) 96

There is no way to tell what is missing from her brain. I think she's nothing more than a zombie corpse walking around with your sisters appearance and voice, and nothing more. They did a total lobotomy on her, and all of her original self is gone if there is any difference in her.

Suicide is also natural. Maybe she should have been allowed to kill herself to end her suffering, rather than be transformed into a zombie without a soul. Yeah, she sure is compliant now that she lost free will, forced to be happy with that damaged brain, that perhaps can't experience anything else because they severed everything that allowed her to experience other emotions.. hmmm?

Yep, yep, yep.

Comment be afraid.. what if I told you the NSA could.. (Score 0) 96

Target you with ECT like remote brain stimulation over long distances, like an EMP for your brain using Remote Neural Monitoring / Electronic Brain Link? It's true, they have the weapons deployed now to do it, and its usually done for covert attacks against political figures, activists, etc. Its all about torture and experimentation on the public, baby! Oh, and warrantless surveillance, with ability to extract and monitor memories and thought remotely.


Fuck 'em.

Comment Re:Legality vs Enforceability (Score 1) 183

Without the terrorists, there's nothing to keep the American half bear half pig half human military and police scum in check. The terrorists are their only natural predators...

Now the United States are overrun by these half bear half pig half human scum, the real terrorists of the world.

Look at what they've done:

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