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Comment Re: I don't get super hero movies. (Score 1) 98

That's true to a degree. Heroes need to be challenged on par with their abilities. Superman will never be meaningfully threatened by anything, and Thor's opponents will always ancient, magical beings since anyone from Iron Man's rogues gallery would be instant toast against him.
But there had never been a movie like the Avengers before, and I'd like to put forth that Captain America 2 made a wonderful pivot to being as much an espionage thriller as a super hero movie.

Comment Re: As long as he isn't the focus of the MCU (Score 1) 98

Cap is very much a squad level leader. He knows what's going on in the moment and how to direct others to greatest good. He spent years in combat and he literally never tires, so he's always on the front line. In the Avengers movie, he took charge of keeping civilians safe and made sure each of the others was doing the most good.

And before it's asked, Hawkeye was acting as a spotter for Iron Man and the ground team and the Widow ultimately went on a stealth mission after helping Cap at first. No one was useless.

Comment Re:As long as he isn't the focus of the MCU (Score 4, Insightful) 98

Spidey should be the journeyman hero. He does have great powers. He's much stronger and faster than Captain America, and possessed of the same courage and sense of responsibility. He doesn't have experience or skills at first. He never properly learns to fight, but if you follow his journey long enough, he becomes the guy who has seen absolutely everything and not only that, had to DEAL with absolutely everything because whatever it is Spidey is doing isn't big enough to get Avengers out of the mansion, or because the Fantastic Four is out of town, or because it's two blocks out of Hell's Kitchen and Daredevil doesn't care.

Comment Re:Marvel's Cinematic Universe (Score 1) 98

Regarding who was doing what where during the Captain America movies:

Thor was battling giants in the rest of the Nine Realms during the first Captain America movie and he was presumably restoring order to them, or perhaps helping to clean up London, during the second. No one on Earth, with the possible exception of Jane Foster, has a way to directly contact Thor.
During Winter Soldier, which only took place over the course of a few days, Cap was essentially a fugitive. Stark had recently destroyed his armor collection and in any case he's primarily a resident of the West Coast who has an antagonistic relationship with his dad's favorite fossil. Hawkeye clearly wasn't in town and I doubt anyone would've wanted the Hulk that close to the US Capitol or Pentagon, even given the circumstances.

A bigger question in my mind relates to the current of the MCU with regard of the impact Hydra and AIM have clearly had on US and worldwide political, intelligence and military operations. Two US Senators were revealed to be working for Hydra and the sitting Vice President was working for AIM. A Hydra associate murdered another US Senator in season 2 of Agents of SHIELD and Hydra is also responsible for destroying SHIELD's 40+ story HQ *and* dropping three (presumably multi-billion dollar) aircraft carrier-size vehicles into the Potomac. I am thinking that the USA of the Marvel Cinematic Universe should be making the response to 9/11 look like another fine afternoon in Mayberry in comparison.

Comment As long as he isn't the focus of the MCU (Score 4, Insightful) 98

I want to see Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He's part of the living world created by Marvel comics, and the Daily Bugle needs to be part of the skyline, even if it's just background.

Spider-Man is also too much a tentpole character to live in the ensemble world that has been created in the Marvel Universe. I don't want it to become all Spidey all the time (as Fox has done with Wolverine in the X-Men movies). We don't even need an origin because it's been done. Just ground him in the world, establish that Cap and Iron Man are in that same world, that Nick Fury is keeping his eye on Spidey's exploits, and have him off to his own super-powered adventures.

In five years, if Sony actually manages to not fuck it up this time, bring him back as the guy who has seen twice as much of everything as Captain America, a science bro on par with Banner and Stark.

That would be just fine.

Comment Re: Maybe if Adobe fixed their broken updater... (Score 2) 203

Run this command from the named Administrator account:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Add this to the machine startup script or acceptable alternative of your choosing.
choco install flashplayeractivex
choco install flashplayerplugin

Flash is now less retarded.

Also, the site for direct download of Flash installers is:
And the sad thing is I typed that shit out from memory because it is etched in my brain at this point.

Comment Re:Where Does He Stand On the Issues? (Score 4, Interesting) 120

To be honest, most of the politics tab trolls (GaryPDX, HellBentForLeather, Bevets) have up and left or been banned and a lot of the former right-wing true believers with a shred of integrity (Weaver95, HubieStewart) of now have pinned some form of "I'm not a republican, I'm a libertarian" badge on in its place. Fark's Politics tab is mostly moderates and left-of-center types condemning republican talking points and making fun of the obvious trolls. That MIGHT change as we move closer to election season, but I think those with truly opposing viewpoints have scuttled off to Reddit or Freeperland.

Comment Re:Awesome, I shall buy one in a year (Score 3, Interesting) 114

You might be able to find a Geforce 750 for $125 or so. They're adequate but definitely not ideal for 1920x1080 in most PC games. They're also ridiculously efficient; they don't even need an extra PCIe power connection.
If anyone tells me they want to game on a PC and don't immediately mention a game with a more serious demand, that's the hardware I use.

I generally prefer ATI hardware because I think nVidia's stock cooling kills graphics cards and I'd rather deal with crappy drivers, but the current ATI hardware is a complete non-starter. There's really no level at all where it can be justified.

Comment Re: a better question (Score 1) 592

Apple's touchpad is possibly one of the most aggravating components I've found on a recent-vintage shipping notebook and moreover, the Surface Pro doesn't have to be used with its keyboard or trackpad, what with the touchscreen and all.

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