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Comment Re:Picard Facepalm (Score 1) 298

I simply don't buy your argument. If using facebook only serves to "steal" time that consumers would otherwise spend shopping then how do you explain that the average American spends some 20+ hours a week watching television and still manages to spend enough money at retail to make television advertising a worthwhile venture? You can't have it both ways... even the most rabid facebook addicts aren't jacked into their monitor 24 hours a day; they leave the house, they buy things, and when they do they might just have a preference for the items which they've seen advertised. The same behavior is true for all the advertising support media you've listed.

Comment Re:2nd Amendment (Score 1) 463

9 times out of 10 when the public uses the word "theory" they really mean "hypothesis". Should that stop scientists from using the word "theory" correctly? Should that stop us from educating people about the real definition of the word "theory"? Should scientists have to change their language every time the public warps it beyond recognition?

"Correct" is a matter of context. I shouldn't expect that teenagers writing sms messages are going to eschew expediency for accuracy and as such excessive use of acronyms and false contractions can be considered "correct" in the context of an SMS. However that same message when included in a homework assignment can clearly be considered incorrect given the more formal context. Understanding and adjusting your language to suit the context and intended audience is something that is taught in the first week of nearly every first semester speech, writing and critical thinking course. To disregard these principal in favor of picking arguments based on some false premise is pedantic at best...

And before you jump in with some retort please consider for a moment the formal acceptance of the ideas I've expressed. In an America criminal court an expert recognized by the court is expected to use language that is specific to their expertise in a manner that is both consistent and correct within their claimed/recognized expertise. The same level of expectation is not levied upon an layperson when they are presented as a witness. Such that a layperson could and should be expected to say "theory" when they might actually mean "hypothesis" yet a scientist would be expected to both understand the difference and use the term which is correct within the domain of their meaning.

Comment Re:rsnapshot is what you're looking for (Score 2, Informative) 300

i wasn't trying to guess at what he needed, but his question was about snap shotting. One of (if not THE) key feature of a snapshot is that it is atomic. Anything that rolls through a changing filesystem one file at a time is not going to fit that bill. Also you run the risk of making "backups" that could break things that presume state consistency. If you capture the log of a daemon before the product output then your backup could have no record of the event which created the output for example.

These types of concerns are of increasing importance to professional system administrators in a time where there (to me at least) seems to be an increasing focus on meeting legally mandated audit and retention requirements.


Bill To Ban All Salt In Restaurant Cooking 794

lord_rotorooter writes "Felix Ortiz, D-Brooklyn, introduced a bill that would ruin restaurant food and baked goods as we know them. The measure (if passed) would ban the use of all forms of salt in the preparation and cooking of food for all restaurants or bakeries. While the use of too much salt can contribute to health problems, the complete banning of salt would have negative impacts on food chemistry. Not only does salt enhance flavor, it controls bacteria, slows yeast activity and strengthens dough by tightening gluten. Salt also inhibits the growth of microbes that spoil cheese."

US Grants Home Schooling German Family Political Asylum 1324

A US judge has granted political asylum to a family who said they fled Germany to avoid persecution for home schooling their children. Uwe Romeike and his wife, Hannelore, moved to Tennessee after German authorities fined them for keeping their children out of school and sent police to escort them to classes. Mike Connelly, attorney for the Home School Legal Defence Association, argued the case. He says, "Home schoolers in Germany are a particular social group, which is one of the protected grounds under the asylum law. This judge looked at the evidence, he heard their testimony, and he felt that the way Germany is treating home schoolers is wrong. The rights being violated here are basic human rights."

Comment Re:Seems like a push from Apple (Score 1) 63

While I basically agree with the premise of what you are saying, doesn't the SLI bus provide for having a shared memory segment between all the cards? I'm not 100% sure that is a feature of that specific interconnect; but I've always assumed it was. The difference being that if n cards with x memory would have a single (n*x) memory pool local to the processors plus the overhead of whatever locking semantics that would require. v.s. having n spearate x sized pools plus whatever work predivision overhead and/or synchronization overhead and/or lock semantic overhead.

I could be, and likely am, wrong; please correct me me if I am. I don't see any clear indication in the SLI wikipedia article and I'm not motivated enough to dig much deeper than that.

Comment Re:*gag* (Score 1) 227

I do have lots of netapp gear and access to the now.netapp.com site. The entirity of the "zfs support" that netapp provides on their site is a single document from 2007 which is basically a reformatted zfs whitepaper showing that you can zfs format iscsi luns exported from a netapp... There isn't even a single line of netapp specific information in the entire document except for the format command output on page 5 has "NETAPP-LUN-0.2-8.01GB" as the friendly name for the disk...
As for your claim that netapp is more than a SAN/NAS, I'll agree there is a bit more in the way of features, but not much. I've yet to see a netapp used for much more than CIFS/NFS/ISCSI and maybe some light http/ftp work. Clustering, failover, remote mirroring, etc are neat but they are essentially just enterprise frosting on top of the basic nas/san functionality.

Comment Re:Index funds (Score 3, Insightful) 128

Also, being included in the S&P500 means that the increase in demand created by the associated index fund inclusion will (or should in theory) increase the per share value which has the resultant effect of increasing the over all value of the company as represented as the market capitalization. Larger market caps allow for much more leverage when negotiating financing on large business deals; not only by giving a greater perceived value but also by providing for more favorable rates on direct equity exchange deals.

P.S. I am not an economist and what I've posted above may be completely wrong... I'm working from very old memories of a 100 level econ course I took a long long long time ago.

Comment Re:*gag* (Score 1) 227

NetApp does a much better job of this even going so far as to support ZFS.

Are you pot high? In what way does NetApp support ZFS? ZFS is not a NAS protocol... ZFS on SAN luns isn't a feature that needs to be explicitly supported and is the only way I can think you'd even sort of have a NA filer with ZFS on it. Also the continuing litigation by NetApp with regards to ZFS's purported infringement on NA's WAFL file system would be a pretty good reason to not believe that "Netapp [supports] ZFS".

If I missing something exceedingly obvious please reply...

Comment Re:Hell yeah! (Score 1) 790

The weight difference only matters for acceleration. Top speed is purely a function of max rpm, gear train reduction, aerodynamics (coefficient of drag and frontal area) and road/tire traction. Early top speed attempts with the SSC Aero hit a traction limitation near 200MPH where increased RPM only resulted in increased tire slip.

Comment Re:Holidy Weekend. (Score 1) 273

This is actually the explanation which I've read/heard is the one that Alanis Morisette herself offers with regards to the apparent incongruity between the lyrics and the title. As to whether or not she developed that response before or after writing the song is anyone's guess.

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