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Comment Re:IP to Phone Number (Score 1) 35

If this ended up violating someone the subject of a domestic violence order or something, they could be sued for some serious money. I know a woman whose details were accidentally revealed to her ex by a company, and they had to give her $10,000 even though no actual harm came of it. Now if harm HAD come of it, should could have got some serious cash.

Comment Scary (Score 1) 387

The really scary thing is how much of Windows 3.0 is still to be seen in Windows 8. If Windows 3 was the launching pad to great versions of windows later, I'd say let's celebrate this event. But that the product has stagnated as junk for so long makes me shudder.

Comment Re: Votes mean nothing (Score 1) 121

This is a case of non-democracy - an executive decision by the PM. If a democracy was less executive, at the very least calling for a vote of parliament, or better yet, citizens' vote, we wouldn't have this problem. Even a citizens initiated bill like you have in California would have some hope of overturning something like this.

Comment Really (Score -1) 191

If... oh say Iran, declared the chief justice of Scotland to be a fugitive, would it make it so? I would say no, because the chief justice is not in Iranian jurisdiction, and not in a jurisdiction subject to Iranian extradition. The same goes for Assange. If there's a difference, I'd love to know what it is.

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