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Comment Re:Who gives you the right? (Score 1) 167

So you are back to proving my point, its all about what YOU think, what the others think is irrelevant.

While i agree it was a bit of an extreme example, the crusades were considered moral, and there is no question about them imposing their concepts of it on others.

There are many non-extreme examples that can be made with one part of the world thinking another part is totally backwards/immoral/etc, and none of them have the right to interfere with the others.

And i'm done here, some of us have productive things to do.

Comment Re:Who gives you the right? (Score 1) 167

It's not your country either

Then what is 'my country' and 'my business', if you are so smart? ( and whatever your answer is, its wrong. )

Also, if you were to understand how china works, you dont have to create the tool, all you have to do is tell others its there to earn your [well deserved] fate. The fewer nosy people left in the world like you, the better the world would be.

Comment Re:Who gives you the right? (Score 1) 167

Does baby feel oppressed when people can use a tool to get around censorship?

It is not that simple, both legally or morally, ( of course to a simpleton as yourself you may not fully grasp what you are suggesting ). Its too bad you cant be extradited to china, then executed, for your interfering transgressions.

Its not your country, keep your nose out of it.

Comment Re:Who gives you the right? (Score 1) 167

You just said that its OK to interfere with other countries simply because you felt its right, which proves my point. Even a child could figure out that one.

I do hope some other country comes and interferes with you, because they "feel its right". Would serve you right.

Oh, and i never said 'take over', might want to learn some reading comprehension.

Comment Re:Better Idea (Score 4, Informative) 82

Even better, buy it on the way to the protest. Using cash of course.

I didnt bother reading the EFF advice but if you take your own stuff to a demonstration, you are a fool. You never know what may happen, you go with a minimal amount of items with you. ID ( required to avoid many vagrant arrest laws ), a few bucks in cash for a burger if you are stuck waiting on a ride from jail ( or the hospital ).. Hide your car keys ON your car.. No jewelry or a watch. A few contact numbers in your pocket, in case you are unconscious when found.

Comment Re:Can we kill most regular TV / radio yet? (Score 1) 85

Can we please kill cable and it's dumb "channels" yet? Can we do away with traditional radio stations and their paid-for playlists?

Simple answer : NO.

Longer answer: Not everyone wants to burn mobile data time just to listen to local radio stations while they are out and about. Besides mobile data issues, soon home bandwidth caps will shrink down to ludicrous levels, unless you are consuming the ( extra charge ) content from your provider.

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