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Comment Re:Simple fix. (Score 3, Insightful) 269

It's a Corvette. You think a Corvette owner wants a label like that on the dashboard?

Perhaps a better solution would be a 'valet key' that when used limits access to the boot, reduces acceleration (like the Eco mode you get on lots of modern cars and limits speed to say 60mph), When the valet key is placed in the ignition the stereo could announce that video and audio recording will be enabled when the car is started.

With a key like that, some folk might even let their kids drive the Corvette!

Comment Re:Great news (Score 3) 269

A significant portion of the book is based on statistical correlation. The book makes multiple references to Mankind Quarterly.

The issue is not whether science can or should study this. It is the dangers of doing so using bad science then packaging up unsupported results and presenting them in a way that justifies harmful division in society on a foundation built of sand.

If it were serious science, it would surely have looked beyond Caucasian Americans and investigated the intelligence of Asian Americans too.

Comment Re:Wait: Genes do not strongly determine height??? (Score 1) 269

This is from the New Yorker, not a scientific paper certainly, but it's interesting and relevant nonetheless. It may explain some of the comments regarding genetic and environmental factors.

Height variations within a population are largely genetic, but height variations between populations are mostly environmental, anthropometric history suggests. If Joe is taller than Jack, it’s probably because his parents are taller. But if the average Norwegian is taller than the average Nigerian it’s because Norwegians live healthier lives.

Comment Or, Apple could be fearful of comoditization (Score 5, Interesting) 405

The last thing Apple wants is for any tablet to be identified as and referred to as an iPad. For their laptops, you get the huge light up apple logo to make sure everyone looking at you knows just what you're using.

The last thing Apple's marketing office will want is for anyone who sees a tablet to refer to it as an iPad. I don't see the name become generic at any point soon, but it's a big fear of many companies. With Apple so reliant on branding and recognition I'd expect them to be more concerned than most.

Comment Re:Waaah. (Score 1) 338

Electric kettles are becoming more common - I know many in the US who have them now. When I moved here a decade ago, it was an online only purchase, whereas today you can pick one up in Wal-Mart etc.

But yes, kettles here take an age to boil. Some are more efficient at doing the job, but compared to a 240 volt UK kettle it's slow. I just start the kettle for my next cup when I've added milk to the current one.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 95

I believe I linked to both copies that included the MasteringBiology. The only difference seemed to be that US one might have a copy of the text as an e-book. I doubt making an encrypted PDF or equivalent merits the huge price difference.

Still your comment about the probability book is interesting. I wonder if this is particular to mathematics?

Here' s another example from Chemistry: Organic Chemistry by Bruice. In the US it's hardcover, in the UK paperback.

Amazon UK price $99.96
Amazon US price $240.60

it's possible that the difference is the publisher. Coincidentally, the two books I list are published by Pearson who are headquartered in the UK. It may be they price their books for the independent markets, whereas US publishers are more likely to stick to one price? That's pure speculation though and we'd need quite a few more data points to figure that one out.

Comment Re: Why? (Score 2) 92

The parent is spot on. If you need to self-sign, then you need the client to trust your signing authority, not simply to trust your self-signed certificates.

Asking them to trust your certificates means teaching them to ignore and click through an important security warning. It not only poses a danger to your users in their internet use elsewhere, but also to your own servers as someone can set up a MITM attack and you have already trained your users to ignore the warning presented by the browser.

Widely trusted SSL certificates can be had for under $10. Wildcard certificates for under $100. There is no reason to have a self-signed certificate on anything public or employee facing.

Comment Re:Good (Score 4, Insightful) 225

Can the students even install and use a proper compiler or something like AutoCAD? Photoshop?

How many school kids have a daily need for AutoCAD or Photoshop? I'd imagine only a tiny percentage. So why should a school district equip elementary and middle school kids with a computer powerful enough for tasks that only a small minority of their high-school students need? Would it not be better to give something more powerful (and much more expensive) to just those with the specialist need for something more powerful?

As for a compiler, they could use something like Cloud 9 for cloud based developing.

Comment Re:ads (Score 1) 175

Ever had your battery die COMPLETELY and then when you charge it, the phone suddenly says "20% full"? That's the buffer The NSA or whomever programmed your phone to shut off and play dead at 20% battery life so that 1) you let down any defenses, and 2) they have *plenty* of spare battery left to covertly monitor your conversations, location, etc. Pretty genius, if you ask me.

Don't suppose you also sell tinfoil hats that could protect me from the NSA's mind-reading rays?

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