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Comment Re:Mah book writings ! (Score 1) 82

My thought was timed reading... where you only read the next qubit at predefined intervals to check for state.. and what is definitely a gross misunderstanding of QE (but useful as narrativium) - writing a state to the next particle. so particles are read-write in order, and they slowly "tick away"... but the base set are linked into the network.. so you can buy any random batch of particles and they link back to some other endpoint.

Comment Mah book writings ! (Score 1) 82

Yay! QE is a major component of my scifi book's communications. Yes, it's a crappy book, but it is my crappy book... and you can read it online without DRM, blah blah blah.

Can't wait for animated breakfast bar wrappers! Or Capt. Skyking brand Starling!

Comment Re:Wind Electricity (Score 2) 413

I live in central Illinois, near a large number of windfarms. The week they cut the crops down, the wind blows hard until well after spring planting. It blows 99% of the rest of the year as well, those towers run all the time. It's rare to see them all stopped. In fact, that was my first thought (we should farming the wind) when we moved here.

Comment For one person, no - but... (Score 1) 424

I'm not really double checking my #'s here....

1 billion queries per day in 2011 (quick online search)... lets say that 1 user makes 100 queries/day (so 10 million users) and each query takes about 10 seconds to complete. 100 million seconds burning 4 watts yields 400 megawatts per day. If we average that out per hour, then we're burning 16 megawatts per hour 24/7. Each day, enough to power 8-16 households (1000-2000kwh) for a month... so over a month: 240-480 households with pretty wasteful practices.

SO, yes, 4 Watts isn't much to an individual household - but aggregated, 4 watts is a lot.

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