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Comment VMWare Fusion on OS X (Score 1) 361

I've been using VMWare Fusion on OS X for a few years to run WinXP & 7 as well as Ubuntu. It's gotten steadily better and faster over time, and I have no issues. I've also tried VirtualBox, used it on both OS X and Ubuntu hosts, and while it's good it's not as polished as Fusion. I've never used Parallels, but recent reviews tend to give it a slight advantage over Fusion.

I'd suggest that you try the demos for Fusion and Parallels, see if either is worth the cost or if the free alternative works well enough for your needs.

Comment Re:I work in the advertising industry (Score 1) 283

I'm all for advertising to pay for content. I have the option here on Slashdot to disable advertising, but have chosen not to because it's unobtrusive and helps fund a site I otherwise use for free. The problem with your line of thought is that with DishTV and it's ilk I pay twice for content - once on my monthly bill and once by having to watch the commercials that support free broadcast tv. All DirectTV seems to be doing is acknowledging this; can't say I'm sorry if it makes it harder for you to effectively bill me twice for content.

Comment Re:BASIC is an awful language (Score 1) 783

I learned on AppleSoft BASIC, which had 'gosub' as well as 'goto', and we were encouraged to use the former instead of the latter and build our programs as modular as possible. Still had line numbers, variables were all global (and only the first 2 letters were relevant) so you had to be careful, but I was able to write a lot with it - a BBS for example. If a program became too big, I'd break it up and pass data between the sub-apps with a text file. This was the mid-80's.

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