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Comment Absurdity Abound (Score 1) 391

She states in her meandering conjecture that we don't know what or how a superintelligent life form would think.

Then through some leap in logic we get to the conclusion that it would be a dominant life form. Now to be fair I did not read the entire chapter and grabbed this conclusion from the summary. And on this forum we all know how accurate summaries generally are..

Lets state our assumptions.


Comment Re:gtfo (Score 1, Interesting) 724

misogyny: hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women

This is not a problem. I'll let you think about how a person (man or woman) can develop this feeling. Keep in mind it is a feeling, whether rational, irrational or otherwise it is nothing more than a feeling. .. BUT lets sound the alarms! One group of people doesn't like another. We need to control how they think because they might act. Run for the hills!!

In the glory gays of gaming you could swear and taunt and not have to worry about getting arrested for homophobia, racism, anti-semitism, misogyny etc. None of it is was meant maliciously and it should be considered playful banter. People who feel personally attacked by these taunts need to remove themselves from a voluntary community, find another community where they feel more comfortable, or realize the lack of motivation to actually cause harm - these are usually emotional outbursts caused by stressful situations (like getting pwned).

Let's get on the control how everybody thinks bandwagon. Here's some food for thought: Can you vocalize an opinion without offending anyone? Let's just end all communication now and protect fragile egos from the world.

Comment Re:The Failure of good intentions. (Score -1, Redundant) 145

The only idiot without a clue appears to be you.

Microsoft is handling it poorly. Every other company has already sent spam mails asking individuals to subscribe to get continued spam. Only Microsoft is the only company that finds this automated message to difficult to incorporate. ..and since you love spam so much how about you post your email addresses on the forum so we can oblige.


Comment Re:Alama being sensationalist again... (Score 1) 376

You self-absorbed, inconsiderate, halfwit! If you can see it, sure as shit so can everyone around you.. You think your dimmer switch is making a mini black hole which is sucking in light? That would be the only way your phone isn't visible.

It only takes a moment to get distracted from a movie. 5 seconds is at least 100 moments.

Get out of my cinema!

Comment Magic is Magic (Score 2) 311

Honestly this seems too good to be true. I see this endeavour never making it past a trial phase as per the below:

Disclaimer: I haven't done too much research on the subject past viewing that video that went viral a week ago.

1) Capital Cost: Looks expensive. Think of all the trenching/corridors that would need to be built. Never mind the electrical infrastructure which I think would need to be upgraded. The incremental cost to add all this to existing and even new road development is intuitively high. Especially since those corridors need to be accessible by humans. Now you need to talk about regulations, air quality, distance to exits, etc etc etc.
2) Maintenance Cost: Ever wonder why there are deep gouges along the roads? Some of them are from broken axles which have a tendency get jammed into the pavement. Other times its caused by overloaded trucks dragging the corner of a low trailer through the pavement for 100's of miles. One truck could potentially destroy hundreds of thousands of these panels in one trip.
I also have a feeling that you will need more maintenance crews to maintain such roads.
3) Magic is Magic: This whole fad solves all the worlds problems including cancer. (Sarcasm). Sounds too good to be true. Generally it is.

I have a lot of technical concerns as well relating to electrical infrastructure, performance of cells, required cleanliness of cells, vehicle safety and so on. I have a nagging feeling this idea was peddled to most investors who dismissed it on the same above grounds and the inability to monetize this idea. It seems by approaching an optimistic (hopeful) and uneducated public they found a million dollars worth of sucker money as I don't see this project fulfilling its claims.

However, just because I am skeptical doesn't mean I want this idea to fail. Someone needs to take steps to save the planet.

Dream on,

- gov

Comment Re:What the police have (Score 1) 664

My favourite part: "Just a phone.." That can cost nearly a thousand bucks to replace. This should be worth the 5-10 minutes of time for the police to salvage with known GPS coordinates. The problem here is that law abiding citizens get victimized twice: First by the thief. Then by law enforcement that doesn't take the steps protect the property of those same citizens.

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