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Journal Journal: yet another unix poetry resource

Thinking of the halls of the MIT/LCS where the FSF was born

Three BSDs for the elven hackers
united under CVS

7 vendor Unixes for the dwarf admins
in their corporate halls

100 linuxen for mortal lusers
doomed to choose

One Gnu to rule them all,
One Gnu to find them.
One Gnu to enslave them all,
And in the darkness bind them

In the land of Cambridge,
where Mr. Stallman whines

Journal Journal: lunar branched, just about stable

So Kyle dropped SGL, flamed & ranted and generally caused trouble.

I'd already jumped to the Lunar fork and while I continue to follow both, the little time I have for doing dev work is aimed at LP.

Which is essentially pretty stable now, so it's time to get into the real work of making it more useable. Maybe I'll find the hours to do some of that. Lots of good ideas, less time / energy to make 'em work.


Journal Journal: not enough hours in the day

Nearly happy with Sorcerer linux distribution.

However I need to work out a way to get the LSM/ SELinux patches installed without hosing the sorcerer linux spell.

probably a -custom spell installing the lsm/selinux patch and running throught all of the configuration ...

alternately I could just drop the casting of linux and do it normally (i.e. manually) ... well some thinking and deciding to do here.


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