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Comment Re:*Yawn* I'll Wait for the Mint Edition (Score 0) 179

Yes, it's in one monolithic file.

Try making a minor typo in the syntax, then restart networking. You will lose all network connectivity on ALL interfaces.

Fix your typo and try to start networking again. It won't work until you reboot.

Or you can try adding your config to one of the seemingly infinite network config subdirectories (ifup.d, post-ifup.d, etc). Make the same typo anywhere in the subdirectories and you'll still mess up all networking and have to reboot.

I guess this is acceptable if you haven't used any OS besides Windows 98. For the rest of us it's maddening.

Comment Re:Honest? (Score 1) 50

This is a good Use Case for why Certificate Patrol can be invaluable. It stores certificates and notifies you when they change, and whether that change would be expected or maybe suspicious.

Because I was running Certificate Patrol, my browser had already saved the previous certificates from the bank websites and was in a position to automatically notifiy me if anything changes. (I've been seeing a lot of Certificate Patrol notifications recently across the web in general, right after this HeartBleed problem came out.)

As for the Canadian Banks, I can say that I saw no Certificate Fingerprint change in TD, RBC and Tangerine. But PC Financial had changed their certificate very recently. I don't use BMO or Scotia so I can't comment on those ones.

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