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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 1 accepted (7 total, 14.29% accepted)

The Almighty Buck

Submission + - $4.5 billion "bin Laden trade" 1

djp928 writes: Looks like somebody is betting the stock market will crash by 30% or more by the third week in September. tinfoil hat sites are giving the story the most play, but at least a few non-kook sites have also analyzed this disturbing trade. It also happened on the European market as well.

Submission + - GPS phone helps find transplant recipient

djp928 writes: GPS locators in a mother's cell phone enabled police to locate her and her son in order to inform them that a donor heart had become available for the 10-year-old's lifesaving transplant surgery. It's a heartwarming (pun intended) story, but how long before police are using this ability to find people for less altruistic reasons?

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