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Comment Re:12 years? (Score 2) 174

"I've been hacking since 1974, and the concept and practice of open source was not new when I started."


SHARE ( was formed in 1955. It's goals were to share information among IT professionals. At least one of the subgroups, VMSHARE, had been sharing code (on tape) since 1973.


Comment Average Joe (Score 5, Informative) 130

From Google:

"Duplicate content on a site is note grounds for action on that site unless it appears that the intent of the duplicate content is to be deceptive and manipulate search engine results"

ie: the 'Average Joe' can scrape wikipedia all he wants and Google will not punish him unless his intent is to deceive. But thanks for the conspiracy theory attempt just the same.


Comment Re:Double Dipping? (Score 2) 315

Stop parroting the same old argument that Comcast is making. Comcast isn't a peer, it's a large endpoint. One could claim that Comcast isn't carrying *any* traffic for Level3 - it's all to the benefit of Comcast (and their customers). One conclusion is that Comcast should pay Level 3 for the privilege of connecting to Level 3.

(I'm aware there is danger in oversimplification, but come on)



TSA Pats Down 3-Year-Old 1135

3-year-old Mandy Simon started crying when her teddy bear had to go through the X-ray machine at airport security in Chattanooga, Tenn. She was so upset that she refused to go calmly through the metal detector, setting it off twice. Agents then informed her parents that she "must be hand-searched." The subsequent TSA employee pat down of the screaming child was captured by her father, who happens to be a reporter, on his cell phone. The video have left some questioning why better procedures for children aren't in place. I, for one, feel much safer knowing the TSA is protecting us from impressionable minds warped by too much Dora the Explorer.

Comment Re:I'm sure that... (Score 1) 99

"Spammers gather email addresses from the open internet. According to your argument it is ok to spam millions of email addresses."

Nope, Google didn't intend to collect this information, and didn't use it for anything.

"Also, I could stand across the street and watch you leave the house and take notes."

And it's perfectly legal for you to do so.


Comment Re:Probably awhile (Score 1) 270

In what (fantasy?) world of yours is this a new issue where someone expects to 'flip the switch tomorrow'?

Who in their right mind has been buying new IPv4-only gear in the past few years? All of my day-to-day machines, including my router, are waiting for my ISP to say "we're ready for IPv6". Aren't yours?


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