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Comment Re:Predictible answer - Mac. (Score 1) 672

Mmm, you may be right, allthough I don't get all the fuzz about the Mac not having docking ports. I hook up my desktop hardware using USB and the DVI port. This way I get two screens, and the mac keyboard (which has a mouse connected). I can attach floppy, extra hard drives using USB as well.

Does a docking station really offer so much more?

Comment I used this system as an application programmer (Score 2, Interesting) 102

In the mid 80s I did a lot of assembly programming on ACP for KLM. We (125 programmers and me) shared a test system that boasted 128MB RAM and a 100MHz'ish CPU running ACP/TPF. The production system even had double the memory. It could do 100 transactions per second. Touroperators (KLM representatives) all over the world used reservation terminals connected by satellite lines to this mainframe. It definitely was mission critical. But I think the article exaggerates a bit, because internally the story was that the KLM would go broke if the mainframe went down for three consecutive days.

When I was there, C was being tested as an alternative for assembly language, but it was thrown out, because it was too slow, and wasted too many resources.

Mind you: my iPhone has more CPU and much more memory than this mainframe, and thus could easily run the entire worldwide reservation system for an medium sized airline!

Comment Humility.. (Score 1) 73

Well, I am thoroughly impressed with the humility this guy shows in his replies. 99% of the slashdot posters could learn something from that.

Instead of throwing around unfounded accusations, calling people 'stupid', blowing their own horns even if they are very young and have accomplished nothing worth mentioning in life.

Go read the last paragraph of the interview.

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