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Comment Supressed: ISIS is our alley against Assad. (Score 2) 391

Good luck with that.

We all (UK, US) fund the Syrian "rebels" aka ISIS with our tax dollars. The same terrorist organization responsible for the beheading - receiving money and training directly and indirectly through us and from our close allies. If mainstream media have "suppressed" this little detail (well, not mentioned very much), then suppressing the video so that not many see that either won't be too hard.

Comment Re:Threatened due to Ukraine peace talks (Score 1) 225

It's unfair to cast the US in such a light.

I did not cast the US in any light: US officials themselves have gone on public record for recommending the violent option and chastising France and Germany for not towing the line. The rest of your post I do not disagree with, you are right to be concerned - it does not change the facts presented however.

Comment Threatened due to Ukraine peace talks (Score 2, Insightful) 225

France (and Germany) is negotiating with Moscow to broker a peace deal in Ukraine and the US does not want that: This threat is just pressure to make France reconsider.. All power politics here, nothing to do with science and research or budget cuts. Expect more in the next few weeks (plus Sarkozy scandal is related but that is another story)

Comment Worse: Study has military sponsorship (Score 5, Interesting) 160

Except that the purpose of this experiment was to play with emotions of their users. And upset was one of the expected results.

Worse: The study has military sponsorship, part of ongoing experiments how to manipulate/prevent/encourage spread of ideas (like voting for an unapproved political parties or mute general discontent):

"research was connected to a Department of Defense project called the Minerva Initiative, which funds universities to model the dynamics, risks and tipping points for large-scale civil unrest across the world."

The end game explain in this very long but very insightful analysis: America’s Real Foreign Policy – A Corporate Protection Racket.

Comment Re:Can we asume ... (Score 1) 173

You might be onto something there: "the WikiLeaks Twitter account criticized the media for spreading a rumor about Julian Assange starring in a fashion show (12,600 results on Google News Search) despite Assange never hearing of it and the fashion show director Ben Westwood stating, "I haven't spoken to Julian at all actually":" https://twitter.com/wikileaks/...

Journalism standards collapse: 12,600 news articles on #Assange fashion show - that #Assange hadn't even heard of

Comment Re:Isn't hard drive access desirable? (Score 1) 361

No one is forcing you to consume the DRM'd content, if it offends you.

Superficially your right - but missing the point. Why the FUCK am I forced to adopt DRM by having it attach itself to open protocol specifications that I use, then? Now my browser will just automagically switch to using it at any old websites request. I preferred the old way, where people who were happy to voluntarily submit to DRM decided to download all the invasive DRM plugins they liked and it all worked perfectly for them - THERE WAS NO NEED to literally force the vast majority of people who do not use DRM to suddenly have built in support for it, so it can be just used by any old website now without all the plugins.

The question is rhetorical by the way - we all know why it was backdoored into our open protocols. To FORCE DRM DOWN OUR THROATS WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT. They were losing too many customers who had to jump through extra hoops to use their evil shit.

So superficially you would be right - but in reality DRM is being forced on us and Firefox and other browsers can try to lube it up as much as they like with their open source wrappers, like that makes any difference. The floodgates are about to open and in a few years the whole web is going to be one giant clusterfuck of DRM content. Tim Berners-Lee, how could you get it so wrong.

Comment Re:Big deal (Score 5, Interesting) 138

Yeah the real news here is that the internet is undermining the top down power the traditional oligarchs had over the masses voting behavior via the old-world mass media broadcast companies. If Robert Epstein does not recognize this point, he is just another pawn trying to convince people to go against their own self interest (as is typically the case with most of the two party "first" world Republocrat systems.

Sure Google gets a big chunk of attention via its news service - but so does lots of "horizontal" news we get via social media. I'll take that over TV and newspaper oligarchies any-day thank you. Just finished reading about a big one in fact - 10 to 100 billion siphoned out of Ukraine and other eastern block countries by "offshore structures created and maintained by the west" - you (probably) will only hear about it on social media:

While New Zealand’s Company Law Reform Stalls, GT Group Helps a Thieving Ukrainian Despot
Fraud & Corrupt Practices in Prague & London

Comment Re:Why not just end subsidies for oil and gas? (Score 1) 211

Why not just end subsidies for oil and gas? There, problem solved.

Here is why it will not happen anytime soon, just replace the context with Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Disruption:

Hersman says that over her 10 years on the board she has 'seen a lot of difficulty when it comes to safely rules being implemented if we don't have a high enough body count. That is a tombstone mentality. We know the steps that will prevent or mitigate

They are waiting for a high enough body count. Considering the magnitude of the changes required to address Climate Change in any meaningful way and the resulting short term costs to industry, I'd guesstimate that the body count will have to be shockingly significant, but by then it will all probably be too late to do anything anyway...

Comment Re:Russia you were so close (Score 4, Interesting) 284

No, they just pass the information to the police that handles that job.

Look at what happened to all the Occupy members. Funny how all the important people in the movement were found very accurately by police forces across the country.

Found, and crucified:
Occupy Wall Street on Trial: Cecily McMillan Convicted of Assaulting Cop, Faces Up to Seven Years
Why Did FBI Monitor Occupy Houston, and Then Hide Sniper Plot Against Protest Leaders?

Like this dick authoritarian move by Russia, China et al. actions speak louder than words: The United States is not alone in being afraid of democracy... real democracy. Which starts with the more outspoken amongst us rallying together, writing blogs about the social problems we face, proposing solutions, attending OWS type events to agitate peacefully for positive change. Just too bad all those things that make common peoples lives better also happen to conflict with the goal of accumulating even more wealth for the richer parts of society. See graph: 12-country 1975-2007 chart of share of income growth going to The 1%.

Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 2) 303

...and what would you propose to do about the power of the corporations, whose lobbyists stand behind and direct the current goverment powers against the interests of the people? Reducing goverment power will not remove the ability of corporate power to adversely affect society in the name of profit. Indeed, in many cases reducing gov power would enable corporate power - which really is a case of jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Comment Re:Not a surprise (Score 4, Insightful) 303

All part of the circus to convince the gullible American people that Congress represents *them*, and not just the oligarchy.

A circus that we the people have no say in whatsoever. Akin to serfdom of old, only with some modern conveniences.

"Researchers from Princeton University and Northwestern University have concluded, after extensive analysis of 1,779 policy issues, that the U.S. is in fact an oligarchy and not a democracy. What this means is that, although 'Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance,' 'majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts.' Their study (PDF), to be published in Perspectives on Politics, found that 'When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.'"

Comment Re:Not necessarily known since 2012 (Score 4, Interesting) 303

After so many years of this shit, it has to be intentional, just so people will post corrections.

Of course it is intentional, and yet no naming and shaming appears to be going on... why is that? Only a small handful of people are responsible for bringing this to our linux distros, and a few more responsible for keeping it there. Those people have lost the trust of the community and should never have any of their code submissions or bug priority lists accepted ever again, otherwise there is just no consequence for nefariously subverting the security of us all.

Comment Re:Oh goodness me, non-military means! (Score 2) 173

FBI illegally abuses its power in the worst way to entrap 5 very stupid people and you can suddenly cook up a story to disqualify a movement of hundreds and thousands (or any movement that is politically inconvenient, that is). Intellectually dishonest, much - entrapment is^H^H was illegal for some very good reasons - but hey, that is how you t/roll.

How FBI Entrapment Is Inventing 'Terrorists' - and Letting Bad Guys Off the Hook:

The guy who convinced the plotters to blow up a big bridge, led them to the arms merchant, and drove the team to the bomb site was an FBI informant. The merchant was an FBI agent. The bomb, of course, was a dud. And the arrest was part of a pattern of entrapment by federal law enforcement since September 11, 2001, not of terrorist suspects, but of young men federal agents have had to talk into embracing violence in the first place... In all these law enforcement schemes the alleged terrorists masterminds end up seeming, when the full story comes out, unable to terrorize their way out of a paper bag without law enforcement tutelage."

You forgot some labels: "Who else are we supposed to be afraid of? Certainly animal-rights and environmental radicals."

But don't worry your pretty little heads over the epidemic of far-right insurrectionism that followed the election of Barack Obama: all told, according to a forthcoming data analysis by Neiwert, there have been 55 cases of right-wing extremists being arrested for plotting or committing alleged terrorists acts compared to 26 by Islamic militants during the same period. The right-wing plots include the bombing of a 2011 Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane and the assassination of abortion doctor George Tiller in 2009. Neither of their perpetrators, it goes without saying, had been arrested before they attempted their vile acts; neither required law enforcement entrapment to conceive and carry them out. It's just too bad for their victims they did not fit the story federal law enforcement seeks to tell.

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