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Submission + - Malwarebytes forums compromised (tidbitsfortechs.com)

toygeek writes: Just a few minutes ago, I received an email from Malwarebytes notifying me that I'd have to change my forum password next time I logged in. On November 10th their Invision Power Board based forum was compromised. Yes, it can happen to anyone! There are several lessons that can be learned, as outlined in my blog post below:

Submission + - Looping in Bash: An Introduction (tidbitsfortechs.com)

toygeek writes: When I first learned about Linux in the 90's, I read that it was possible to even write your own commands to use at the command line. Later I learned about bash scripting, and it wasn't long before I needed to learn how to loop in bash. Looping in bash is one of the fundamental building blocks of bash programming. It isn't hard to do at all and is worth learning. The main reason to learn looping in bash is to handle doing the same thing over and over again. They're easy to do even at the command line. Please follow along as we look a couple of basic examples, and how you can expand on them.

Comment Re:Alternative headline (Score 3, Insightful) 429

This, a thousand times owner. I rely on 'net connectivity for a living. If my internet drops, I'm packing my bags and going to one of my backup locations. One of those is a McDonalds, another is a local gas station that has wifi (?) and a friends house. The friends house is my first pick of course and usually the one I get. But if I have to go to McDonalds or the gas station and somebody is making it impossible for me to make a living and feed my family because someone is torrenting, I will feel every bit justified in using bithammer. Why?

Because I have every right to use the network as the guy making it impossible for me to use it.

Submission + - Four Job Stages to recognize for Success (tidbitsfortechs.com)

toygeek writes: In the past several years This Tech Geek has found himself all over the place with jobs. I had a few different full time jobs in that time, and I also run my own business on the side. With this unusually rapid cycle, I was able to spot some trends in myself that led me to good success in my current position. Perhaps you’ll recognize the same Job Stages in your experiences. So I give you Ryan’s Four Job Stages for Success. [Note: Original Content, not Blog Spam]

Submission + - Four Job Stages to recognize for Success (tidbitsfortechs.com)

toygeek writes: In the past several years This Tech Geek has found himself all over the place with jobs. I had a few different full time jobs in that time, and I also run my own business on the side. With this unusually rapid cycle, I was able to spot some trends in myself that led me to good success in my current position. Perhaps you'll recognize the same Job Stages in your experiences. So I give you Ryan's Four Job Stages for Success.[Editors note: This is original content written by the submitter; it is not blog spam]

Submission + - Four Job Stages to recognize for Success (tidbitsfortechs.com) 2

toygeek writes: In the past several This Tech Geek has found himself all over the place with jobs. I had a few different full time jobs in that time, and I also run my own business on the side. With this unusually rapid cycle, I was able to spot some trends in myself that led me to good success in my current position. Perhaps you'll recognize the same Job Stages in your experiences. So I give you Ryan's For Job Stages for Success. (Editors note: this is original content by an actual geek- not blog spam)

Comment Pranked a computer in high school using Turbo C++ (Score 1) 231

When in high school, I wasn't in any of the computer programs they had but I was on my own a bit of a tinkerer and was busy learning Borland Turbo C++ at home. At school I'd dink around with the computers in the lab (386sx16's) which were also being used to teach Turbo C++. I wrote a program that made a low sound for several seconds and then said "Oh, sorry, I couldn't control myslef!". I setup the autoexec.bat to run it and then restore the original version of autoexec.bat. I didn't get in trouble because they could not prove it was me, but I did piss off the teacher (another student, ironically) of the class. They let me play with the computers at lunch only if I promised not to mess with them anymore. I complied.

Another time a guy gave me an old heathkit oscilloscope and I really didn't know what to do with it. I wish I did! But anyway I hooked the leads to a 72mhz RC transmitter and turned it on. As I was watching the patterns on the scope, I heard every car alarm in the neighborhood going off. I later realized that a harmonic must have been strong enough to interfere with alarms. That was pretty fun :D

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