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Comment Re:I can't wait for the Ron Popeil 3d printer! (Score 3, Informative) 91

That's why you don't make them "by hand" use the right tool for the right job.

I own that one, and it's really not all that difficult or time consuming. And that's just a home quality tool. I'd have to imagine a professional chef in a restaurant would have to have an even better tool at his/her disposal.

Comment Re:Why doesn't he just make an Executive Order? (Score 1) 703

because EO's have to follow the law and president's can't write them at will.

Really? So the executive order that unilaterally modified the ACA to defer corporate compliance with insurance mandates was "follow[ing] the law"? The executive orders that deal with amnesty for illegal aliens are "follow[ing] the law" with regard to legal immigration? The claim that he's going to use Executive Orders to get what he wants done until the congress sends him legislation doing what he likes is "follow[ing] the law"?

legislative branch creates the laws, executive branch enforces the laws, but as always there is discretion involved in enforcing the law. It happens every day. Have you ever been (or known anyone who was) pulled over for speeding but then let off with just a warning, or given a ticket for a less severe infraction instead? That's discretion in enforcement.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 1) 703

But still, it might be ok if the covered courses are useful, and not just "community organizer" type courses. That is to say, something that will train for a marketable skill.

PLEASE tell me you meant that sarcastically, and that you don't actually think "community organizer" can't get you very far in life. Because if you did mean it seriously, in this context it's just hilarious.

Comment Re:Why do I want to upgrade? (Score 1) 437

No benefits so far, only cons, at least on Nexus 5.
1. The new UI sucks ass

My wife has it on her nexus 4, and I have to agree with you here. The look is just terrible. And WTF is with the new icons on the navigation bar? OK, the old icons might not have been 100% intuitive, but an arrow that turns around and goes back is at least someone obvious to most people. A button shaped like a house is at least fairly obvious. Both of those, once you click it a few times and see what it does, anyone should be able to associate the picture with the action. The overlapping rectangles would be less intuitive to anyone who has never used a desktop OS before, but at least it makes sense to some people. But the new icon...WTF do circle, square, and triangle mean? The only one with the slightest bit of intuitiveness is's actually an arrow pointing left, which means "back", but the way it's drawn makes it extremely difficult to associate it with an arrow.

3. The gallery application is also now ruined, as it forces the user to accept G+ account, or he can not access his pictures anymore. Way to go Google, taking pictures as hostages really makes the G+ positively accepted.

Didn't realize that, since we already use G+, but I was sort of shocked when I couldn't find the gallery app the other day and had to use Photos

4. When battery gets below 15%, the system starts nagging via notifications, making noises, and bugging the user, even if the device still has hours and hours of standby time left. Why not complain once and let the user connect charger when he prefers?

Not sure what all you mean, but when I had my nexus 4 with kit kat, it did something similar. It would give you a popup with noise and vibration when you hit 15% and then another 4 or 5 alerts at various percentages. Though I don't recall if it did that when the screen was off, so maybe that's the difference you are noticing.

Comment Re:If I can pay for a house (Score 1) 320

Actually, you most likely are not exempt. Most HOA's are a deed restriction on the property and it is explicitly worded in such a way that it carries over to all subsequent owners automatically by virtue of you accepting title to the property. It works in the same manner as being a part of your city or township. When you close on the house, you don't sign anything which states you agree you are subject to the ordinances of your city or township, but that doesn't mean you are exempt from those ordinances. Those city/township ordinances are enforced by a deed restriction on the property which automatically carries over to all future owners.

So either
1) you are in one of the rare HOA's which wasn't properly established, or
2) your HOA was formed AFTER your home was originally purcahsed, and no owner since then has voluntarily agreed to join and subject all future owners to it, or
3) you are just lucky that your HOA is run by people clueless enough to not realize you aren't actually exempt.

Comment Re:live by the sword (Score 1) 320

If enough people were to infiltrate the HOA, could the HOA vote to disband itself? That might be a fun hobby...

Depends on your specific HOA covenants. They will dictate what course of action is necessary to do so. The most common I'm familiar with:

1) The builder actually maintains final authority over the HOA, so it couldn't possibly be disbanded unless the builder agreed (ie: not gonna happen)

2) If there is no builder with final authority (mostly that's older HOAs) then the board can decide to put disbandment up for a vote, in which case a certain percentage (either of all homeowners, or of actual voters) would have to vote in favor of disbandment for it to occur.

It's theoretically possible that the HOA could have final say and not even need the owners to vote, but I've never heard of one actually structured that way.

Comment Re:IMO, The biggest problem with fingerprint.... (Score 1) 80

... authentication is that even if all of the security measures associated with storing and authenticating your fingerprint were utterly unbreachable, your fingerprints can still be taken without your consent, while if you do not want someone accessing data that is guarded by a a secure password, however, then barring vulnerabilities in the security facilities associated with it (which would apply equally to fingerprint security as well anyways), then that information can only be obtained by you voluntarily surrendering it.

Comment Re:rehab fan (Score 4, Insightful) 106

In college, I stopped watching television. Afterwards, it just struck me as stupid and self righteous, but maybe that was a reflection of society as a whole.

No, it's not a reflection of society as a whole. You were right the first was stupid and self righteous. But that's just what happens why you are young and stupid and get caught up in that whole "I'm too smart for anything on television, so I won't even own a TV" meme.

Comment Re:Can you say... (Score 4, Informative) 266

2) I can cease production all I want and not have the patent voided, as long as I do not switch production to a different drug designed to do the same thing.

So, you were saying?

You really can't see the loophole in that? The new drug isn't designed to do the same thing. It would do something slightly different. Sure, you could try to reword that, but that's the difficulty with creating either get too broad and have unintended consequences, or you get too specific and someone finds a way around it on a technicality you didn't anticipate.

Comment Re:Not unexpected. (Score 1) 141


Just to recap here, you have basically: 1.) said Apple stuff sucks in the middle of a thread almost designed to be a flame war invitation; 2.) refused to explain why you think Apple sucks with any specificity; and 3.) given a follow-up response akin to "I don't have to tell you why I don't like New Zealanders. Just Google 'New Zealand' and read until your heart is content.'"

You, sir/madam either 1.) win the Internet brilliant troll of the year award; or

Not at all. I never said apple sucks. Don't grab onto my usage of the word "flaws"...I wasn't the one who picked that word. The OP I replied to picked the word and implied one causation and I was just replying he had the causality backward. Then some AC (you? OP? someone else?) got all defensive about it, as if there's not a single logical reason in the world why someone would dislike apple products. I don't see why I'm supposed to provide some sort of dissertation as to why I have the opinion of Apple that I do. I certainly don't see you applying that same standard to the OP to which I was originally applying.

I don't see why you folks are getting your panties in a bunch just because someone doesn't hold Apple as their Lord and Savior.

2.) should ask yourself why you bothered posting not just one comment but also two responses as of this writing where you could have just explained your problems with Apple in less text than it took to explain why it was beneath you to explain why you wouldn't explain what your problem with Apple was why you wouldn't NOMAD DOES NOT COMPUTE. think making a post about specific problems with Apple would be SHORTER? Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't start a flurry of replies telling me why I'm wrong. appears you are new here on slashdot, yet somehow you have a lower UID number than me.

But you are right in that this thread is getting a bit long. So, despite the fact I generally try to give other posters the courtesy of reading (and, when necessary, replying to) their posts when they took the time to reply to me, I won't extend that same courtesy to you.

Comment Re:Not unexpected. (Score 1) 141

Don't go through your specific reasons of dissatisfaction just for me, do it for all the other readers, i'm sure they're interested.

Well, to those people I'll say this: Welcome to Slashdot. The topic has been posted about to death a billion times before. See that search box next to the logo at the top left of the page? Click there, type the word "Apple" and hit enter. Then read until your heart is content. You're welcome.

Comment Re:Not unexpected. (Score 0) 141

It's hard to make a founded claim when there was little useful information in your post.

So, when you don't have anything to go on, instead of asking for more information you just make something up?

You've now covered off the time frame but none of the flaws you claim.

Nor will I. I have no interest in going through my specific reasons of dissatisfaction with you. I need neither your validation, nor for you to show me the error of my ways.

Comment Re:Not unexpected. (Score 1) 141

Gee...and here I thought the premise of this thread was that it was Apple haters, not Apple lovers, making the unfounded claims.

In any case, it was only 2-3 years ago that I gave up on them (and before your rabid fanboy mind starts making more unfounded, I wasn't using 15 year old hardware).

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