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Comment Re:Sigh... (Score 1) 416

That inference could be made with or without the comma. If Mary has freckles on her face then they are probably on her buttocks too. But, I'm not sure what her donkey's coat has to do with anything.

Comment Re:Interesting Spin in the Summary (Score 1) 416

what? public kiosks? it's 2010. in 5 years most of the country will have a multicore computer with 4g wireless in their pocket and you think people will want to stand around and use a shared computer? why? to do what?

I mean, yeah, there's some spin in this article. But i've seen far far worse on slashdot. It makes a huge leap from "will apple actually do it" to "will people start installing linux" which is fairly preposterous. But it seems clear that apple is at least contemplating a version of iAds for the desktop space. and it might be something some subset of users would tolerate or embrace. However, it's kind of fanboish to just dismiss the question with some crazy kiosk talk and a "no big deal" defense of ads.

honestly though, i think the important question here is: if they have desktop iAds will they start a desktop app store? now THAT would be a big change for the consumer desktop world.

Comment Re:Dept of Troll Prevention.... (Score 1) 377

A newspaper, on the other hand, doesn't really want that and doesn't want to dedicate its services and infrastructure to hosting shouting matches.

uh...have you seen any of the opinion pages of the major papers? but, all kidding aside you're right. but at the same time so many of these outlets (especially smaller ones) have simple flat comments. even a moderately advanced system (with threads and some kind of reputation based promotion) would help solve a very large portion of the comment problems.

but charging a one time $1 fee isn't that bad of an idea.

Comment Re:App Stores Dept. of Corrections? (Score 2, Informative) 241

Actually, in terms of dollars Apple does have a pretty strong monopoly on mobile application sales. Yeah, Android is closing the gap in terms of amount of apps Apple still completely dominates in terms of revenue. So much so that in 2009 99.4% of all the dollars spent mobile application purchases went through apples store.

Comment except none of the chrome extensions "block" ads.. (Score 1) 419

yet at least. so far all of the "ad blockers" i've seen don't actually block ads. they just hide them. they still use your bandwidth. their code is still rendered.

from what i understand the devs dont (yet?) have to tools necessary to actually block elements. they can only hide them. which kind of rules out the possibility of any legitimate noscript equivalent. which is more important than an adblocker.

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