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Submission + - #metalgate explodes as SJWs attack heavy metal (deathmetal.org)

hessian writes: It is easy to see however why someone might want to — as writers have in the past — call heavy metal conservative. Metal avoids “social issues” and other internal questions of a society and instead looks at the health of a society as a whole, or in other words, how sane it is. We see a world gone insane through a refusal to pay attention to reality. The methods of that are beyond an artistic genre and should be injected into it, but since 2006 at least trying to reform metal has been a pet project of SJWs.

Comment We need more open file storage (Score 4, Insightful) 302

I appreciate the reasons for the war on piracy, but TPB was more than a pirate nexus: it was a great place to links to downloads via bittorrent that everyone could get to.

The internet needs to return to its wild west days of open file storage. True, lots of people are going to pirate, but that's technologically inevitable. The anti-piracy people are destroying necessary stuff along with what they fear.

Comment Play the game (Score 1) 53

The game is to find a unique angle to approach your research that's essentially clickbait, then produce some results, and figure out some way you can claim victory and go home.

If you're just doing this to get on to the next stage, it makes sense to plagiarize and get it out of the way. You can get to the nice fat yearly income that way without having to know much of anything.

Do we have a quality of scientists problem because science is such an esteemed (and often well-paid, in private practice at least) career that people who should not be scientists are trying to be scientists?

Comment Internet 3.0 is a Ponzi scheme (Score 1) 285

Google is desperately searching for new products because they know what the rest of us are beginning to figure out: internet advertising is a paper tiger.

In theory, it leads to targeted ads reaching more people than ever before. In actuality, it advertises by demographic in the same way television does, and mostly repeats products you have shown interest in before whether you bought them or not.

Further, most of the sites showing advertising on their content are putting so many ads on the page that the effectiveness of any particular ad is radically diminished.

When this "dot-com bubble" (3.0) goes down, it's going to take the US economy with it, and through them, the world.

Comment The word "racist" has no meaning (Score 1) 164

It is a political term, and nothing more.

Generally it is used for those who resist the idea that the third world must be imported into the first world, reducing the first world population to a third world hybrid, thus destroying culture, heritage and values and making it more tractable by the twin parasites of government and industry.

Submission + - The Metal AE (hou2600.org)

hessian writes: Metal AE 201-879-6668 — this was a true blue AE line that was around for like 5 or 6 years and was ALWAYS busy. Had all of the original cDc and other bizarre text files, occasionally some new Apple warez. — Phrack #34

Submission + - Tech insiders: Firms halted spread of grisly video (cnsnews.com) 1

hessian writes: Tech companies drafted plans to scrub the web after a grisly video showing the beheading of an American journalist by Islamic State militants — and implemented them this week after a second killing, a Silicon Valley insider said Wednesday.

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