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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 21 declined, 4 accepted (25 total, 16.00% accepted)


Submission + - Apple's new MacBooks have built-in copy protection (appleinsider.com)

raque writes: "Appleinsider is reporting that the new MacBooks/MacBookPro's have built in copy protection Quote "Apple's new MacBook lines include a form of digital copy protection that will prevent protected media, such as DRM-infused iTunes movies, from playing back on devices that aren't compliant with the new priority protection measures" . Arstechnica is also reporting on the same issue HERE

Is this the deal they had to make to get NBC back?
Is this a deal breaker for Apple or will fans just ignore it to get their hands on the pretty new machines?
Is this a new opportunity for Linux? And what happened to Jobs not liking DRM?"

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