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Comment Re:Barriers To Entry (Score 1) 688

The point is they aren't random and lots of other people have tens of thousands of .NET apps deployed that don't crash. Furthermore, if the exception handling was any good the log would tell you exactly where the problem is.

I know I sound like an Internet douche-bag, but seriously - good professional developers don't have these problems.

Comment Re:Barriers To Entry (Score 1) 688

Let me be the first to say: They are doing it wrong.

There is no such thing as a 'random app error'. Such things are almost always excuses used by developers who suck at development regardless of the tool set. I would be willing to bet a week's pay that in 5 minutes of code review I'd find that they do not properly dispose object instances or close database connections.

Comment Re:Your not qualified (Score 2) 442

This is just FUD. Microsoft has the BizSpark program and similar programs for exactly this type of start-up. He can run MS for five years and not pay a dime in license fees. If he has millions of users in 5 years, getting the money to run any stack will not be an issue.

Stack overflow serves something like 100mm pages a month on 1 rack of Windows servers.

That said, if he doesn't know how to set up a Web server and wants to focus on building a product, hosted and managed cloud is the way to go.

Comment Re:I'm amused, and he has a point (Score 1) 758

Programming is programming regardless of the platform. I've had clients and projects I didn't like, but generally speaking writing code is fun for me.

I have nothing against someone who has an idea in some unexplored niche where there is little money to be made. However, there is a word for someone who takes a job to work on someone else's vision who doesn't care about the money they make - chump.

I guess as the hirer you probably do want the hire-ee to ignore they pay so you can maximize the benefit you get out of said chump. And hey, if you can get away with it, more power to you. We're all consenting adults here. I doubt you'll be able to consistently find any but the least experienced to fall for it for long though. Great developers tend not to be chumps.

Comment Re:Well, Yes (Score 1) 532

You know, I have to disagree that 3D has nothing to do with storytelling. I thought that the ashes and embers as the forest burned in Avatar very effectively enhanced the sorrow and the ability to feel empathy for the aliens.

I agree that it is usually gratuitous, but I really like how modern filmmakers are beginning to play around with perspective in new ways. Have you seen Spartacus - Blood and Sand? They play with visual layers in ways that I think transforms scenes that would otherwise be nothing but gratuitous gore into something very worthwhile and immersive.

It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the cinematographer is blocking the shots in three dimensions purposefully even though the show is currently shown only in 2D.


Blizzard Authenticators May Become Mandatory 248

An anonymous reader writes " is reporting that a trusted source has informed them that Blizzard is giving serious consideration to making authenticators mandatory on all World of Warcraft accounts. The authenticators function the same as ones provided by most banks — in order to log in, you must generate a number on the external device. Blizzard already provides a free iPhone app that functions as an authenticator. The source stated, 'it is a virtually forgone conclusion that it will happen.' This comes after large spates of compromised accounts left Bizzard game masters severely backlogged by restoration requests."
The Almighty Buck

EA Flip-Flops On Battlefield: Heroes Pricing, Fans Angry 221

An anonymous reader writes "Ben Kuchera from Ars Technica is reporting that EA/DICE has substantially changed the game model of Battlefield: Heroes, increasing the cost of weapons in Valor Points (the in-game currency that you earn by playing) to levels that even hardcore players cannot afford, and making them available in BattleFunds (the in-game currency that you buy with real money). Other consumables in the game, such as bandages to heal the players, suffered the same fate, turning the game into a subscription or pay-to-play model if players want to remain competitive. This goes against the creators' earlier stated objectives of not providing combat advantage to paying customers. Ben Cousins, from EA/DICE, argued, 'We also frankly wanted to make buying Battlefunds more appealing. We have wages to pay here in the Heroes team and in order to keep a team large enough to make new free content like maps and other game features we need to increase the amount of BF that people buy. Battlefield Heroes is a business at the end of the day and for a company like EA who recently laid off 16% of their workforce, we need to keep an eye on the accounts and make sure we are doing our bit for the company.' The official forums discussion thread is full of angry responses from upset users, who feel this change is a betrayal of the original stated objectives of the game."

Comment Re:So what? Freedom of choice is good. (Score 1) 251

Everything in the app I mentioned is compatible under mono except for the browser integration (at least it was at that point, wouldn't swear to it now). We went with IE because the full API did what was required. I appreciate that we could have created our own API to Gecko, but from what we saw, the crucial bits were missing. More to the point our goal was to create an application that happened to have some browser functionality - not to create a rich API to a platform when a ready to use alternative was already at our disposal.

Some may not like mono, but in my experience it is a pretty decent platform.

As far as the quality of the app, I'm glad you won't be using it. You sound like someone I'd give their money back to if I ever had the pleasure of taking a support call from you. You must be a super genius to know all about it based on the presence of a single component.

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