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Comment Re:Predictions have been pretty good, actually (Score 2) 786

temperatures have not significantly risen in the last 18 years.

18 year graph, yes temperatures have risen over the last 18 years.

What you were trying to cite was the was this. If you look at that graph you'll see that the earth has been on a cooling trend line (the straight lines), every year since 1965. Obviously the graph is rising, and obviously all of the cooling trend-lines are completely fictional. That's exactly how denialist websites try to quote that warming has "stopped", when it obviously hasn't. The genuine long term warming trend always breaks the fictional short-term trend lines after a few years.


Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 556

haha. no, read the references. They are pretty much excuse making and cheery picking to confirm their belief.

" And wouldn't the existence, and even the sometimes contradictory accounts of the Gnostic gospels, provide a more evidence of an actual historic figure whose image was "stomped over", rather than one made up out of whole cloth?"
No, why would you think that?

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 556

Nope. In fact it looks like 'Jesus' is an combination of at least three people. Based on dates of events, location, from different letters.
Of course the bible was written by men how said 'These 12 people are honest, wouldn't lie or make things up, and never checked them.
If you look at cults* and their behavior, you see striking similarity with the apostles, and other religion older the Christianity.

Then it gain political power and the rest is bloody history

Which is why it's alarming that the religious right is gaining so much power.

*for brevity, cult will be short hand for small start up religion

Comment Re:How to handle crazy (Score 1) 556

But we do not have anything similar when it comes to what caused the Big Bang, ranting about 14D planes colliding and creating ripples like on a pond, without any idea how those planes existed in the first place does not really strike me as a particularly sane argument

If you walked out an say the side of your car smashed in, would it not be reasonable to conclude you had been hit by a car even if you can't 'prove' a car did it?

It's like that, but with math. The fact that you can not understand it, doesn't make it insane. It makes you ignorant in that area.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 556

Another excuse for people who can't actual base there idea on informed information.

So you attack him personally, because you got noting else except the incorrect idea that anyone gives a crap about you, and that you won't be anything but a whisper in a few decades. SO that leads you to post ad homs in what is a basic debate, that adult do.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 556

You can stick you fake outrage your your ass.
It was not an attack. He used wording that made people expect one statement, then through an surprise ending.
That is not a fucking attack, and you can take you fucking outrage and shove it back up your ass.
I do note that every mouth breathing stupid ass xtian used it as an excuse to verbally attack atheist.

To be clear, I am not calling Christians mouth breathing stupid ass's. just ones like you.

Comment Re: Yawn (Score 1) 556

good and evil is just perspective, and yes you can be an atheist abd have good and evil.

""survival of the fittest", or "thou shalt not kill""
why do you think those are mutually exclusive, pal.

good and evil is far older then any religion, pal.

This has been well covered in philosophy and many writings, PAL.

Comment Re: Yawn (Score 1) 556

Incorrect. See: klachakra

Also there are some follower that have to addition tenants that involve Karma; which also required an outside actor(s) to keep score.
And they have sins. If there is no outside actor then who are they sinning against? Again this seems to e a knowing universe that can portion out forgiveness.

There is no God as in the creation of the universe. but there are other spiritual(unprovabale) actor involved.

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