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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 2 accepted (9 total, 22.22% accepted)


Submission + - Sony To Encase In Carbonite Half The Star Wars: Ga (

Impy the Impiuos Imp writes: Not surprisingly that it's gone unnoticed for several days, but Sony is apparently merging out of existence half its Star Wars: Galaxies servers. In spite of a number of innovative features (three health bars, choreographable dancing and music coordinatable between several players, "your own R2 unit and 3PO", programmable droids, and so on) a complete overhaul of the combat system, designed to simplify it and make it more action-oriented, actually drove away more people than it attracted. It soon thereafter retired to that great Sony one-fee-for-all stable of aging and also-rans in the sky.

Still on life support, it was preceded in death by Sony foster brother Matrix Online.

Star Wars Prequels

Submission + - Star Wars RSS feed messed up

Impy the Impiuos Imp writes: As I cannot easily find "Contact Slashdot", I'm arrogantly using the story submition feature to let you know your Star Wars RSS feed is messed up, not having been updated since shortly after the Episode III game trailer was released. FYI, it is at It's Star Wars. What kind of nerds do you call yourselves?

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