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Comment Why? (Score 1) 194

People keep grimy, grungy screen protectors on their phone the entire time they have them.

They have this beautiful, pristine sheet of glass they're "protecting"... and they never actually see it or get to touch it.

It kinda bothers me.

Comment iOSification? (Score 5, Insightful) 965

The "iOSification" of OS X is overblown hyperbole at the moment. Yes, Apple's simplified some of the core apps like iPhoto. Yes, Apple's made the Calendar app fugly. They added the "Launchpad", which you never have to actually see unless you invoke it, and they added the Gatekeeper security feature, which you can switch off with a few clicks of the mouse.

They also recently got rid of the guy who was responsible for some of that stuff, so we may see a roll back on the nasty skeumorphic nonsense.

The core OS, and its UX in general, are still excellent, and every single app distributed outside of the App Store still have as much freedom as they used to.

Comment Re:Why go with an x86 processor? (Score 1) 587

Ya, x86 isn't the best architecture, from my limited understanding of these things (I'm not a programmer), but it's pretty much become the "standard". The writing was on the wall when Apple switched to it. (Then there's ARM, which is entrenched in the mobile space.)

So, by going with x86, Sony's guaranteed to have legions of developers who are intimately familiar with the architecture, and have libraries optimized for it. Far more than their semi-obscure CELL platform. Microsoft's going x86 with Xbox, too, leaving Nintendo the only one on the old PowerPC boat.

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