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Comment Re:What underlying platform? (Score 4, Insightful) 46

Not clear if Case is claiming Blackberry's were never of interest to hackers or are just of no interest lately.

Blackberrys were until recent years very high value targets, they were the phone of choice on Wall Street, for politicians and reporters.

It wasn't that long ago repressive regimes like Saudi Arabia were telling Blackberry to back door their phones/servers or get locked out of their market which tends to suggest they must have been pretty good at something.

There is probably something to be said for phones without a third party app market if security is job one. Android in particular is a pretty juicy target for malware.

Comment Re:"Anything more than a runtime and a language" (Score 1) 371

Just look at the havoc that ensues if your filesync software accidentally removes the whitespace from the beginning of the lines.

In that case, you're not running file sync software. You're running a file transformation program.

The same thing would happen to Java files if you had a file transformation program that removed curly braces.

Comment Re:For gamers? (Score 1) 110

So what would be the difference between SSDs for gamers and those for non-gamers? The specs appear to be fairly normal high end for the current SSD market, but nothing exceptional. Maybe a sticker on it displaying a demon wielding an oversized SF gun?

Get a woman in non functional but revealing body armor or space suit and put it into production!

Comment Re:Nerd Blackface (Score 1) 442

Pullleeeze. To even suggest that is to suggest that the persecution of nerds is equivalent to the persecution of African American minorities in the United States.

Good lord, from what European country are you shouting your 'holier than thou' crap? Do you really think the US invented racism?

Or are you just a self loathing American.

Or better still, an Austrailian with their lovely treatment of the aboriginals?

Gotta love watching a favorite leftie activity: playing 'who is the biggest victim?'

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