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Comment Re:I doesn't do much yet (Score 2, Interesting) 80

I don't think this characterization is fair, and I think you would have a hard time finding somebody who actually worked on Freenet to agree with you. Ian's orginal technical ideas for Freenet - as well as his vision - are very much still a big part of the architecture, and he could never be said to have abandoned it. In fact, time has vindicated many of his ideas to a far greater extent than I expected when we started working with them. You are right that the project has not yet solved the problems it set out to solve - but since it has wildly high ambitions, that should hardly be surprising. I think it has made a positive contribution all the same, if only to our understanding of many of the issues involved.

It is true that the press has had a tendency to paint Ian as the lone father of the project, but that is just the way to press works, and I have never seen Ian taking credit for other peoples work. And, to be honest, after you have done it a few times, you start realizing that dealing with the press isn't nearly as fun as it is cracked up to be, and that Ian has a knack for communication that most nerds, myself included, do not. I think Freenet has been very well served by Ian's ability to effectively communicate it's goals and gain attention -- among other things it has allowed several coders, of whom I was the first but not the last, to work full time for the project for certain periods. That said, I was a bit disappointed when the NYTimes ran a cover story on a presentation Ian and I held at Defcon and forgot to mention me at all, but I got over it :-).

Comment Don't be daft! (Score 5, Insightful) 529

I've spent the last 11 years at various math institutions and conferences all over the world. I think I qualify as a "math nerd", and I have a PhD to prove it. I find the question dumb, and somewhat insulting.

Firstly the whole idea that their is a single "math nerd" type is ridiculous. Very few mathematicians I know fit into the high pants and thick glasses type. A lot of people at my institution are musicians, several play in rock bands at night, some dance, some are training buffs, one guy I know is combining his PhD with playing professional sports and is on his way to Olympics. While most are still guys, a growing portion are girls: some are straight, some are gay, some are single, quite many are married. In fact the variety is probably the only defining feature I can find.

And when it comes to partying, the only special way I can think of that mathematicians like to party is hard. I can remember from many times the surprise of "numerotypicals" after having partyed till dawn with a bunch of mathematicians. While there are certainly the "study and never leave the lab" types - most math nerds know are more like the opposite. The reason for this is probably that math is high stress occupation (try having as your job to push your mind to the very limit of its ability every day) which tends to lead to hard partying behavior. The stress is also the reason why many mathematicians are creatively worn out by 35-40.

So, seriously, stop the silly patronizing and just organize a good party. With lots of booze.

Scholarships From FOSS Organizations? 348

Athaulf writes "I'm a high school kid with big dreams of prestigious technology schools like MIT or Cal-Tech. The problem is, my upper-middle class family had more down to Earth plans for me and my college choices (about $30,000/year more down to Earth, actually), so financial aid and college savings won't come anywhere near MIT's price tag. However, I've been programming in C for a while now, and might release a GPL'd Linux app soon. With this self-taught programming experience, academic merit, and plenty of extra curricular activities, are there any FOSS supporting organizations who might grant me a scholarship for my contributions? Do companies like Google or Red-Hat offer scholarships to big name schools in return for a few years of work after college?"
Linux Business

Submission + - IDC: Cost trumps code access with open source (techtarget.com)

OSS_ilation writes: In a conference call held this week to preview the upcoming LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in San Francisco IDC analyst Matthew Lawton cited an April 2007 IDC report that asked IT managers about top decision-making and purchasing criteria. The functionality, scalability and reliability of open source software topped the list. "The ones at the bottom of the list were protection from vendor lock-in, indemnification concerns, source code access and the ability to redistribute code," Lawton said. In short, end users today care less about whether they can tweak code and more about what the software does and how. The good thing for Linux is that a growing majority of end users still agree that the use of Linux results in considerably lower total cost of ownership (TCO) when compared with closed source proprietary alternatives.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Acer disses Ubuntu in the UK

thefickler writes: Acer has officially announced it will not be releasing Linux-based machines ... at least in the UK, because there is "no demand" for it. Oddly enough, Acer recently released a model, the Aspire 5710Z, preloaded with Ubuntu, which is widely popular with the open source community; however, it is only available in Singapore.

Report Warns Against Well-Meaning Net Censorship 123

athloi writes "A report entitled 'Governing the Internet,' was issued Thursday by the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The document, which highlights the increasing environment of internet 'policing' around the world, characterized the practice as 'a bitter reminder of the ease with which some regimes -- democracies and dictatorships alike -- seek to suppress speech that they disapprove of, dislike, or simply fear.' From the article: 'The OSCE report says Kazakhstan's efforts to rein in Internet journalism in the name of national security is reminiscent of Soviet-era "spy mania," and it says Georgian law contains numerous provisions curbing freedom of expression online. Web sites, blogs and personal pages all are subject to criminal as well as civil prosecution in Kazakhstan, and the country's information minister, Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, has vowed to purge Kazakh sites of "dirt" and "lies."'"

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