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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 2 accepted (12 total, 16.67% accepted)


Submission + - Fractal Table Made with Rapid Prototyping (blogspot.com)

Mr. McGibby writes: "While not truly a fractal by mathematical standards, this fractal table by designer Wertel Oberfell has got to be one of the coolest uses of fractal mathematics I've seen yet. As described by the designer, "Fractal Table is a table piece which derives from studies into fractal growth patterns. Treelike stems grow into smaller branches until they get very dense towards the top. Fractal Table, developed by Platform Wertel Oberfell together with Matthias Bär, is impossible to manufacture unless rapid prototyped.""

Submission + - Detection of Earth-like Civilizations Now Possible

Mr. McGibby writes: "Astronomers have proposed an improved method of searching for intelligent extraterrestrial life using instruments like one now under construction in Australia. The Low Frequency Demonstrator (LFD) of the Mileura Wide-Field Array (MWA), a facility for radio astronomy, theoretically could detect Earth-like civilizations around any of the 1,000 nearest stars. The original paper describes the details."

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