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Social Networks

Submission + - Twitter Fatigue

taxman_10m writes: Taking a look at the RSS feeds I subscribe to, I noticed that the feed from ATI which usually alerted me to driver updates is now defunct. It's been replaced by Twitter.

Catalyst updates will no longer be available as an RSS feed
We are excited to announce excluse updates on Twitter!

For a while now I've had a few friends, only a few, tell me repeatedly how awesome Twitter is. And tell me again. And still again. I've tried Twitter and quite frankly didn't find it very useful for anything. I was content to ignore Twitter and chalk up the fact that I didn't get it to simply not being hip, cool, and/or, with it. However, now that the Twitter trend has intruded upon my feed reading and inconvenienced me, I'm wondering whether I'm alone or are others suffering from Twitter fatigue?

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
