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Comment So fucking what? (Score -1) 300

Why does this belong on Slashdot?

Because it's important, imbecile. If you don't like it, LEAVE.


Obviously this reduces the incentive for terrorist groups to post such content, by shrinking their audience,

It "obviously" does no such thing, fucktard, and that you are sure it "obviously" does is why you are stupid.

Comment Here's a free clue (Score -1) 338

nd don't even try to guess how I vote. OTOH, I actual watch CSPAN, read bills, and find the context for any statement a politician make that is reported in the media.

And you're wasting your time with all of that bullshit, because VOTING DOES NOT WORK.

If you think voting changes anything, you're clueless. But then again we already knew that from reading your "Republican vs Democrats" bullshit. Fact: BOTH RED AND BLUE TEAMS ARE WORKING AGAINST YOU.

Comment Re:Let's face it: desktop Linux is a piece of shit (Score -1) 727

I'm not mocking, but people's reaction depends on how you phrase your argument.

There is not an argument I can phrase in any way which will result in Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or any of these other idiots pulling their heads out of their assholes. They are determinated to be mediocre dipshits.

Yours looked reasonable until the third paragraph, but turned into a flame itself after that.

So fucking what? If these fucktards can't figure out how to do a good job, they deserved to get flamed every day until they give up programming and go back to mopping floors.

I am always complaining about certain Linux issues on more technical forums than this one, but I think I am nevertheless respected for making my points effectively.

What I want is excellence, not "respect", from some useless dipshits who don't understand what either of those words even mean. What the fuck good is it to be "respected" for your opinions, if nothing ever changes?

There is indeed a lot wrong with Linux (it's certainly not "gold"); but I use it because the alternatives are even worse IMHO.

So do I. I use Linux only because the alternatives are worse. Pretty sad statement about the current pathetic state of computing, isn't it?

Comment Re:Fear Mongering continued (Score -1) 66

very strange and outright deranged opinion

What I just told you is the truth. If your head is shoved too far up your own asshole to understand it, that is a sign you are delusional, not mine.

Anyone who trust the U.S. government's side of the story is a fucking idiot. Full stop.

I'm sure there's plenty of footage on the net of building fires if you want to apply some reality instead of making shit up.

Show me a video of ONE building which collapsed like WTC7, because of an out of control fire.

Comment Re:Fear Mongering continued (Score -1) 66

Buildings do not fall at free fall speed into their own footprint because of a "fire." It does not happen, ever. And furthermore, news organizations do not announce the collapse of said building 20 minutes in advance, unless they already planned for it to fall. Pull your head out of your asshole and stop being a useful idiot. 9/11 was perpetrated by the U.S. Government. Failing to realize this FACT does not make you smart, it makes you a naive fool.

I notice you didn't mention the "aircraft" in Pennsylvania, did you? The one that supposedly hit the ground so fast all it left was a smoking crater, with no wreckage because it all vaporized on impact? Only a clueless, naive shit like yourself (the average idiot American) would believe such an obvious lie.

Comment Re: Send a robot (Score -1) 84

OK, fine, but how does that change the fact that no one will ever colonize the Moon or have a vacation condo on Mars or mine an asteroid?

That isn't a "fact." That's an idiotic belief.

At least my life is *real*

Your life is pathetic, and a disgrace to humanity. Do the world a favor: dig a big hole, then climb in and pull the dirt in behind you.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score -1) 778

Gotta love libertarian logically fallacious reasoning. Calling something a name constitutes an argument, apparently.

I can't believe your idiotic post got modded +5 Informative. Just goes to show how ignorant most Slashdotters are of economics.

Can you decline to use the service?

If I can't, then it's slavery. Full stop.

Can you decline to use the economic benefits from having interstate highways?

You mean the interstate highway system that was built and designed in a period of cheap oil, surrounded by a thousand other government projects designed around the idea of having a cheap oil, which handicap America now that oil isn't so cheap any more?

How does that benefit me, exactly, with oil being $100+ a barrel and no chance of it ever being cheap again?

Can you decline to benefit from having clean water and safe food?

Clean water and safe food are not the product of government. The product of government is organizations like the EPA and FDA, who are parasites serving no other purpose than to continually suck dollars from the average Joe's pocket, while enacting countless rules and regulations to tell him what to do.

Can you decline to benefit economically from a nationally enforced currency and social stability from a commonly applied law?

Except that the nationally enforced currency you're so in love with, the U.S. Dollar, is a scam. The Federal Reserve system that you're so in love with are master scam artists, who are robbing this country blind through inflation and other financial trickery.

Social stability....are you fucking stupid? Take a good look around, asshat. What's so "stable" about a country that is now six years into the Great Depression 2.0, and is tearing itself apart at the seams because certain groups of people in this country (including me and all my friends) and sick and fucking tired of idiots like yourself constantly burying us in your economic horseshit? We are less than 5 years out from a Revolution. Pull your head out of your own asshole.

Actually, yes you can. You decline to use the service by leaving society. Don't like it? Tough. You can actually leave, and you won't pay taxes.

My people have been in this land since long before your pissant ancestors decided to move here. I'm not going anywhere. It is YOU and YOUR ilk who will leave MY land and stop trying to enslave my people.. Or die. It's your choice.

Like I said, your ilk's systems are self-defeating.

Look in the mirror: you are a relic of the past. You have already been defeated, but you're too fucking stupid to see it.

Comment Re:failure of scope... (Score 0) 136

What an idiotic statement. I am a veteran of the US Air Force who did two tours in Afghanistan. One time I personally helped fire a rocket at a truck of "suspected insurgents" (read: some guys we just targeted because we were pissed off at getting mortared every day) with a Javelin missile, blowing it to pieces....sending half the flaming wreckage rolling down into a nearby orchard, killing an old man. His granddaughter was not so lucky; she lost an arm and an eye. You should have heard the whooping and cheering when we saw that big ass explosion. It was really cool! The only other person I met who seemed to show any doubt about what we'd done was the young (20-22 year old) combat medic who had to patch her up.

War is hell. Get a clue, you fucking useful idiot.

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