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Comment Re:Back to the Future (Score 1) 681

1. The story was written (by many independent people apparently) long after his apparent death
2. Is Moses a real person, and did he really also part the red sea? Even if the parting is BS, even the exodus from Egypt is largely based on few anecdotes. Actually, is moses a real person at all? Probably, maybe, who knows. The magic of history is that after a couple generations, its hard to distinguish fact from hear-say unless there's enough objective proof to show the trail. The problem with Jesus is there was practically 0 notable historical significance to Jesus' existance outside of the belief system that manifested out of the stories told about him.

Comment Re:Waste of Time (Score 1) 332

No, they're cookie cutter sci-fi plots which could've been perfectly viable on their own under a different handle, but instead they legerage their name and eliminated the entire multi-generation build-up for Star Trek (though admintedly pretty bad in the last 90's/00's). After the first reboot, I gave up on it entirely.

I see the next epic sellout to be Terminator. Arnold has single handedly ruined that franchise by continually being the pivotal character who's relevance was spent after the second edition. Third, fourth, and what would've been the final movies would've been much better showings if they didn't try to ham fist Arnold's character into every single one. As for the reboot, once again, fuck it. Ther entire franchise didn't exist anymore, so who the hell cares. Even Emilia Clarke can't save that production for me.

Comment Use a tool for what its good for (Score 1) 55

Hadoop is good at generally running massive queries of tons of data in a relatively efficient amount of time. I say efficient and not fast, becuase the requests can vary from well structured for grid data sets to massive bloated ugly queries that would be massive bloated and ugly in any DBMS environment. If you want to talk about regulation, etc.. I think you're batrking up the wrong tree with Hadoop. If you're concerned with regulation, seed the DB with unique though meaningless data when importing and avoid all of those problems.

Comment Re:Knowledge is power (Score 5, Insightful) 611

NIMBY man, it either makes people on the interstate slower, or those in their neighborhoods. The result is someone's going to be unhappy that you're on the road. If said is the case, there's absolutely no asshole cred being handed out for making your life easier.

Don't like traffic going through your nehbourhood? Make it unmanageable for traffic to traverse quickly, which will affect you, but everyone pays for those roads, and everyone has the right to use them as they see fit.

Comment Re:That retarded logic (Score 1) 130

It could only be barely considered illegal if the channel in which the media is presented has some form of 'official' character. If Google published a video under their official YouTube publishing tag, one could say that the video should be as specified, but if spliff666 published "Attack of the Clones" to their YouTube account, there's exactly zero assumption of the video being in any form 'legitimate', which a charge of fraud would first have to establish--- IMHO IANAL.

Comment Holistic Nutbars (Score 1) 1051

I have a friend who is one, and no matter how hard you try to get them to see reason, you know you're talking to a brick wall, because their wall of ignorance will never allow for rational discourse. Their belief has only been amplified by all the media on new/old age of holistic medicines, aroma therapy, acupuncture, food alergies, etc. etc.. some may actually have some practical benefits for some illnesses, but that just reinforces the belief that a scorched earth approach to diet, medication, etc... are somehow better for themselves / children. I fear for those people, and apparently from the article, those around them.

Comment Akami is dead (Score 0) 67

Yeah, they're really shaking in their boots. But really, if you want 'anonymous' go use Tor I guess. What is this besides something that will probably break most of the web?

Seriously, if you think static content is the life blood of your internet business, then a solution like this (though packaged specifically for your audience) is great, but how does this help anyone else, when I'd say about 90% of the content delivered to most people now a-days are at least somewhat curated to you as an individual or at least browser individual?

Comment Re:why would I write to that? (Score 1) 187

I'd complain more about Java generics being an illusion to begin with, which is annoying but not the end of the Earth. Considering that all generics were overlayed the java 'Object' typing model of which runtime/language primitives like int/float/etc.. are not a part of, it isn't surprising that primitives were left out of the generics system as well.

isNullOrEmpty is a trivial single-line method, which is generally why nobody who develops in java cares about this or any other nit picking problems. Why not bitch about the lack of Pairs and Triples?

"??" is once again syntactic sugar, which is fine if you want to obfuscate and reduce code clearity, but if I wanted to write (X==null?X:-1). I think most people can deal with it as well.

There are many reasons to hate on Java, but at least rant about things (like non-runtime generics) that are actual problems to people who use the language on a day to day basis?

Comment Uh yeah? (Score 4, Insightful) 193

When you have a device that lasts maybe 5 years of use, adding about $100 per child per year just for the device really starts to add up.

I suppose chromebooks could be used for some entry CS-like education and obviously word processing, but I have no idea what educational aid an iPad contains besides maybe text books, but if that was the case, I'd rather have schools endorsing an epaper solution being far cheaper, energy efficient, and probably better on those poor kid's eyes (staring at screens for 8 class hours and how many home hours?).

Comment Re:What is it? (Score 1) 145

Eggs require chickens which requires feeding chickens, which is fine if you're raising the chickens yourself, but when you have a world with billions of people, not everyone can raise their own chickens, so either you stop eating chickens, or you get someone else to raise them for you. *takes breath* All that chicken requires a lot of feed, and a lot of feed takes more airable land away from producing the crap you do want, like human consumable veg and the such. Airable land is scarce and getting more so. So either you stop eating all together (a proud though darwinian outcome), you find more efficient human consumtion methods (like the one listed in said article), you purge humanity thorugh bloody force, or you purge humanity through artificial means of blocking reproduction. Pick your poison.

Comment Re:Or just practicing for an actual job (Score 1) 320

Would using frameworks make you a cheater? Would copying a very know pattern (as a Pair/Triple) deem you a cheater (even if you attributed it, like I often did both in school and in professional life)? If you read a help site that says do A, B, C , D and you do the same operation of steps exactly (regardless of copy/paste), is that cheating?

If you want to stomp out cheaters, come up with problem domains with very unique and strange processes that wouldn't be found in the wild. If you want to bust someone for leveraging a well known, legally OK use of a tool, you might as well stop issuing CS-diplomas and start issuing CS-that-won't-function-in-the-real-world-diplomas.

Maybe the better appeal woud be an official citation system so that you can prove sources in an adequite way. Most courses in Uni have soime sort of standardized attribution system, why not CS?

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