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Comment Re:Yeah, I feel ya (Score 1) 111

I'm sorry, AC. Good luck. Maybe try to start up a thing ushering people to the cloud. Not much start-up investment, good chance you can handle it, not saturated yet, and you just need to know a few people to talk into letting you do it for them, then one client leads to more and eventually you're in the black again. Maybe.

Comment Re:Even paranoiacs have enemies. (Score 5, Interesting) 254

He was bipolar, with paranoid delusions most amplified during mixed episodes (happy and not happy psychosis in the same package -- a bad trip).

And you're right, that he was a manic depressive with persecutory delusions and that he was indeed being spied upon by law enforcement doesn't mean he wasn't nuts -- obviously the case in Hemingway's case. Maybe it was self-fulfilling.

Comment halp (Score 2) 254

I'm one of the guys who received one of these letters over a porn torrent. It instructs me to log into their website (I haven't) to find out how much they want, offer's off the table March something yada yada. My ISP guy suggests I just lie low and ignore the thing.

What do?

Comment Maybe not so distributed. (Score 2, Interesting) 870

This may have been a Slowloris DoS attack by some patriotic 2600 guy, not necessarily a massive coordinated multinational assault. That perl script is effective on threading web servers including Apache. I just tested it out, took down my badass 100mbps server (just the web server stalling up until the script is aborted) with a dinky server on a DSL line just by opening up a bunch of TCP sockets really really slowly, using less than 20KB/s. That's Tor friendly.

Then I installed mod_qos, tried to attack myself again, no slowdown, problem solved.

If this attack gets the right amount of attention it could turn a lot of people on (4channers mainly who are yapping up Slowlaris as their replacement for LOIC) to DoSing with this software. So for those of you using Apache, you may want to fire up mod_qos (Apache2 instructions). Actually you may want it regardless for general performance purposes.

Comment Re:As I recall (Score 1) 417

I gotta say, hacking a high-profile politician's email account (ESPECIALLY when they are running for vice president, which means everything of theirs is being watched 24/7) is a really stupid idea. There's pretty much no way you can get away with that nowadays...

clearly you don't fully appreciate the seductiveness of epic lulz for which this was done

Comment battery decisions (Score 1) 253

One reason exaggerating the signal reporting ain't cool is that the weaker the reception a phone gets the more it beefs up the transmission power. So for example some of us want to know whether or not if we keep our phone overnight by the bed it gets a significantly lower signal than if it's by the window so that we know where we ought to leave it when it's sleepy time but if this phone reports a full signal in either location (but the transceiver behaves differently) then not having that information may lead to unideal nocturnal positioning. You dig?

Wonder if AT&T had anything to do with that. Anyway, nice to know they kept their distance from my Nexus One, crapware and misleadingware alike.

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