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Comment Re:Certs are for noob's. (Score 1) 213

The most obnoxious certs are ones that test based on such an odd collection of details rather than any real understanding that people only pass be using brain dumps to cheat. Then the company keeps ratcheting up the difficultly of obtuse and poorly written questions, people continue to pass by cheating and the vendor never realizes what a bunch of crap their program is for anyone who attempts to do them honestly. That is my definition of a worthless cert. I suspect this comes from vendors allowing non-technical marketing types to become involved in creating test material. They write fucked off questions and have no idea they are fucked off questions.

Comment Re:360 degrees is not what you think it is (Score 1) 133

Now filing patent on process of using evil software to collect any information from victims generally referred to as customers to be used for the purpose of monetizing supposedly free services or for extracting additional revenue from existing paying victims AKA customers.

License fee for tech companies, ten dollars per user.

Comment Re: Silicon Valley Isn't Wrestling with it (Score 1) 398

Diversity obsession needs to stop. As a white worker in a 70% Indian team where my coworkers speak Hindi to each other 60% of the time even when discussing projects. I can just say I've had enough talk of this supposed lack of diversity. I've also had black peers, managers, VPs and CEOs. I've had female peers, VPs and CTOs. I've served with technically brilliant people of all kinds and useless incompetents of all kinds. Nobody cares about anything but ability and attitude. The biggest thing slowing any shift in staffing numbers is that we draw mostly from the existing pool because everyone hires people with experience, but that pool is getting thin. Industry will bring in newer people out of necessity and if that pool of qualified candidates is diverse, they will have every chance of being hired if they know how to get in front of hiring managers.

Comment Re:No... Its a smoking gun. (Score 1) 305

Jim Webb may not have a ton of current support, but he's the only one I'm willing to support. People aren't really aware of the available choices yet. We don't have to be stuck with Hillary if voters are willing to actually consider all available candidates rather than just going for the least objectionable celebrity politician. I would count on him to be rather unsympathetic to H1B interests when they effect American workers.

Comment Re:IT workers and the cloud (Score 1) 138

The Cloud is great. It allows regular people to describe a service without ever having to understand it and without ever being expected to define it. Managers love it, it's less expensive and you certainly couldn't be expected to be accountable for what happens in the Cloud. That's what in the Cloud means right? It's a service over which you need no knowledge or control.

Then again you can be obtuse and call Cloud a Measured service with On-demand self-service, Broad network access, Resource pooling and Rapid elasticity, but who wants to think about all that.

Comment Re: Yep (Score 1) 216

When they did this on Discovery's "Sons of Guns", it was clear this was going to be attempted by someone at home. They mounted a large 9mm semi-auto handgun on a drone for mine and IED removal. It worked quite well. A drone is just a platform, people are going to use them for all sorts of things whether for good or evil and there is almost nothing that can be done to stop that. At this point I still don't view it as a serious threat.

Comment Re:Good! Those laws just misinform consumers anywa (Score 1) 446

I'm not really sure how GMO labeling helps. Non-GMO labeling may help, but that happens mostly voluntary. It to me it isn't a safety issue, unless you are going to say, this corn or wheat isn't as nutritious as a natural product, or this product only appears to resemble a tomato, it may not smell, taste or provide nutrients found in natural tomatoes. It isn't all that clear to me what path forward we can take to give more people access to better food. Sure I prefer to buy organic, non-GMO, free range, hormone free, etc.., but I'm not sure that can scale at a cost that is workable for everyone. We've created such a glut of false abundance. We have tons of cheap food that isn't very good or very good for you, but it's cheap so we can feed the millions of people who can't afford better alternatives.

Comment Re:spam is not even close to the real problem (Score 1) 151

I will go to any extent necessary, to never allow this on my vehicle. I consider it my God given right as an American to break traffic laws when police are not present. No one needs any data from my vehicle. God knows what they will do to rental cars, but I'm sure they will not share my views on privacy.

Comment Re:I hereby announce my plans for terrorism (Score 1) 139

I certainly regard the bills sponsor Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as traitor to our nation, which isn't any better than a terrorist. When you take an oath of office that involves supporting and defending the Constitution and then dedicate half your life to undermining the 2nd Amendment, that marks you a traitor in my book. She also has supported the intelligence driven abuses of our civil liberties for many years now as chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Comment Re:Nevermind the bollocks, here's David Cameron (Score 1) 260

Very interesting. It doesn't leave you in much better shape than the US two party strangle hold. They all place so much value on predictability and control. If there were no parties and each man or woman had to stand on their own with no party line talking points and an empty canvas on which to hang their own ideas it would just be too complex for the rich and powerful to exert their rightful level of control. It would be much too dangerous to let the people choose anyone they like to represent them, easier to let them choose from the acceptable few and present the illusion of free will.

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