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Comment Contractor? (Score 1) 301

Could you hire one of the developers on the open source project as a contractor to implement a feature? It could be a modest feature at a generous hourly rate. It could be a feature the developer already had planned and perhaps could consider the feature to have been sponsored by your company, generating good will and a positive public image, in addition to enjoying a needed feature.

Comment How about... (Score 1) 293

A favorite book of mine is "Refactoring - Improving the design of existing code" by Martin Fowler. It's probably best read after you've written code for a little while.

You might find "Head First - Servlets and JSP" kind of fun if you're interested in programming web applications. I'd save JSP for later and focus on servlets if you're just starting out.

Comment Re:But unfortunately... (Score 1) 189

Not to quibble, but clerics devoting themselves to a concepts/philosophy was possible in any version of D&D. It may not have been specifically mentioned in the rule book, but it was quite common. Some folks even let any/all of the "divine" casters claim they were really just tapping into a different form of "arcane" energy that for all intents and purposes acted like "divine" spells. It's really just a matter of separating the "special effects" of the game from the "mechanics."

Comment Re:Pain at the pump (Score 1) 222

How about putting it on static display in front of your house? Maybe you could park it in the back yard and let the kids play on it.

I always thought it would be cool to bury a WW2 submarine in the back yard as if it were running on the surface.

Comment And...? (Score 1) 406

Maybe I'm missing the obvious, but the story seems to be trying to sensationalize things. Look at the numbers they cite. You can see the following changes from Dec 08 to Dec 09.

Bing +2.4%
Google +2.2%

Yahoo -3.3%
AOL -1.2%
Ask -0.2%

So it looks to me like Bing and Google are just gobbling up market share from the weak. Google grew at approximately the same rate as Bing. Yet the article seized on relative growth, which of course is going to favor growing new services.

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