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Comment Re:Going Cable! (Score 1) 135

The only thing that can stop the NFL and the misplaced US hero worship is their own greed.

Greed??? Why sir, I'll have you know that the NFL *always* provided local viewers with plenty of reasonably-priced $4,000 skybox tickets as an alternative to being blacked-out. It was quite charitable of them!

Comment Re:Police?? (Score 2) 302

As a territorial police force of sworn constables, are they responsible for proposing laws?

No, but if the UK's politicians are anything like their American counterparts, the politicians will use their statements to support the new laws--as in "See, the police are saying they NEED this authority, to protect us from the T E R R O R I S T S ! ! !"

Comment Re:Exact Opposite of the Obama Campaign Message (Score 1, Interesting) 224

That's what people get for believing that ANY leader EVER wants people in his organization releasing embarrassing information to the public about said organization.

Anyone who ever tells you "I'm cool with the people who work for me embarrassing me and undermining me" is FUCKING LYING. Period. End of story. YES, YOUR GUY TOO! YES, GANDHI AND MOTHER TERESA TOO!

Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

It will never be "all" because we will never live in a perfect world. There will always be cases of SOME men, women, blacks, whites, Indians, etc. who are legitimately oppressed or discriminated against for many various reasons, even in the best countries. So if you can say "the vast majority of X are treated fairly" then you're doing about as good as is humanly possible.

Comment Formula for success as a modern feminist leader (Score 0, Offtopic) 590

1) Declare yourself a feminist hero
2) Create some fake posts or a fake website attacking yourself with vile and threatening language (the worse the better)
3) Run to the liberal press with copies of these "attacks" and declare yourself oppressed,
4) Demand public sympathy and support
5) Call any critics or skeptics misogynists
4) Goto 1

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