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Comment Re: Yes I'm old.. (Score 1) 267

Forget file browsing. Try finding a decent cdburner GUI frontend that doesn't pull in a bucketload of either KDE or GNOME dependencies!

I was a long-time KDE user and about a year ago decidedent to experiment with banning both Gnome and KDE from being installed and relying on lightweight window managers. It was only mean to be an experiment, I didn't really expect to go more than a week. Today I am using StumpWM combined with the pager (and only the pager) from Lxde. The only thing I really miss is K3b. Seriously, why does a program that is just a front end to cdrecord, which is more than capable of finding my burner rely on some integral part of KDE. If I install it without KDE it tells me I have no burners! Gnomes equivalent program did the same thing.

I guess I shouldn't complain too loud though. Maybe someday I will take the initiative and write my own burner front-end and not require a bloated desktop to run it. You can write the file manager!

Hello! I've considered looking at StumpWM, but I'm rather attached to my current setup with i3. If I may ask, why is it that you chose StumpWM over other window managers? What features does it have that you couldn't live without, in comparison to before? I haven't met many StumpWM users, so I haven't gotten the opportunity to ask this question...

Comment Seriously??? (Score 1) 267

"Not cohesive"? Does the author realize what KDE is??? It's an entire collection of software, and it's very cohesive. TOO cohesive, actually. KDE 3 was nice, but rather inflexible, and that's the same issue with 4.x. I like the idea behind KDE, consistancy, but I dislike how tied together everything is. I currently use a custom setup based around the i3 window manager, and while not perfect, it's pretty damn close to what I envision the perfect desktop to be. It's not what most people like, and tiling window managers take a bit of getting used to, but they're much more flexible in terms of customization. Plus, you know, there's the efficiency factor...

Anyway. Of all the ways I'd use to describe KDE, "kludged together" would not be one of them. It's very smooth, so long as you stick to exclusively KDE tools and they can meet your every need. If it does, that's great! It saves you a lot of hassle. If not, well, you usually wind up rolling your own solution. As nice as it is to have your own custom ecosystem you put together piecemeal, in that you know exactly what's in it and how it works, it's a huge hassle to keep it all updated and be able to smoothly work with it...

Comment Re:Burned Child (Score 1) 187

Linus mentioned a Swedish phrase: "Bränt barn luktar illa" I got curious and ran it through Google Translate.

"Bränt barn luktar illa" in Swedish = "Burned child smells bad" in English.

What the hell? Is that a bad translation or is that actually right? If that's right, that seems pretty grim to me. Would a native Swedish speaker on this thread be willing to explain that the origin of that phrase?

I'm not a native Swedish speaker, but I think I know the origin of this particular phrase. The original phrase is, I believe: "[A] burned child fears fire". It's the Swedish equivalent to "Fool me once, shame on you: fool me twice, shame on me" - once you've been bitten by a mistake, you become reluctant to do it again.

The joke here is that rather than being translated as "A burned child", it literally means "burned child", so you can interpret it literally and get a completely different meaning. Welcome to the dark Germanic-Scandinavian sense of humor: it may not be what you're used to, but it's no better or worse than your own.

Comment Maybe a small clarification... (Score 1) 187

Hi! I'm the guy who asked the question on functional languages. Mr. Torvalds answered my question beautifully and correctly, but I just want to make a small clarification to my original's tone (just for the record). If you read it, it kind of reads as though I have a negative slant against functional languages. I don't actually think that; I rephrased my question several times, and unfortunately I muddled it up in doing so. (The eye and the mind see different things, so the saying goes)

I think both low level languages and higher ones have their uses and purposes, I've used both, but I only do a bit of programming, a small amount compared to a professional. I was interested in what someone with significantly more experience than I thought, and I (personally) think his answer is spot on. I mainly wanted to be clear that I didn't intend to ask him a question as though I wanted him to favor one side or another, that was just an accident...

Comment Re:Bad RNG will make your crypto predictable (Score 4, Informative) 64

One of they few poorly understood concepts in software development is that improperly initialized (called seeding) DRBG will break your crypto. For Linux, and especially for headless systems, use /dev/random for seeding. You want it to block if not enough randomness available.

Ehhhh, not always.

Comment RTS... (Score 2) 40

C&C was my bread and butter series, Red Alert 2 and Generals are among my favorite games of all time. Red Alert 2 in particular was pretty well balanced multiplayer, and I'm sure there's still a community out there playing it competitively.

Warzone 2100 is a game you must check out too sometime, it's got an extremely interesting history behind it. Once a Playstation (not Playstation 2 or Playstation 3, just Playstation) game, it became an open-source PC game after the devs gave out the source code; I can't recall another game that's ever gone that route. Although it's in a bit of a slump in terms of development right now, it's got a small but dedicated community that's doing some fascinating work. In particular, since the game makes it so easy to change out the AI for an opposing side, it's got some extraordinary AI addons that actually play really well, and I haven't seen another RTS with the same focus on AI. I highly recommend you check it out if you ever feel bored on a weekend or so; it's definitely worth it.

Comment Soooo... (Score 4, Interesting) 44

They shutter Google Code, forcing anyone who had a project there to migrate everything, and now they plan to start it back up? Do they seriously think anyone is going to trust them again? I believe they shut down the old one because they felt Github dominated the field; Well, now they're entering the same field, but this time without the small (but loyal) userbase they had lastime.

I just can't get why they did this stunt - if they really wanted to enter the coding field, they could have just revamped Google Code. It'd still be a difficult task to displace Github, but now they just made it even more difficult for themselves for no reason at all.

Comment Alrighty... (Score 1) 383

A second question of mine. There used to be many different varieties of chips that were commonly used (SPARC, Power, RISC, etc.), and nowadays there;s mostly two (x86 and ARM). You've worked on the kernel for many, many years, and I understand that you once had a job related to working with them. So, I ask you this: did you have a favorite architecture that wasn't x86? Did you ever see any advantages working with these other chips? And, do you think it would be better if today's market had a wider variety of commonly used chip architectures?

Comment Functional languages? (Score 5, Interesting) 383

While historically you've been a C and Assembly guy (and the odd shell scripting and such), what do you think of functional languages such as Lisp, Closure, Haskell, etc? Do you see any advantages to them, or do you view them as frivolous and impractical?

If you decide to do so, thanks for taking the time to answer my question! You're a legend at what you do, and I think it's awesome that the significantly less interesting me can ask you a question like this.

Comment Re:Unacceptable... (Score 1) 333

> I don't really have very strong feelings in this debate, but that kind of protesting isn't acceptable. Standing outside a government building or your company's HQ to protest, that's perfectly fine. However, once you start interfering with other people's lives (who aren't involved in this at all), I view that as unacceptable and utterly puerile. While I don't call for arrests like the other people who've posted ahead of me, I do hope the police force open the roads.

Democracy is about convincing the voting public. If you annoy the voting public so much, that they call on the government to give in just to shut up the protesters, then it's a job well done!

Of course though, it's a gamble. the police could use questionable (potentially illegal) strong-arm tactics to remove the protesters, with the blessing of the annoyed public. But this is France, a very pro-union country that regularly sees strikes by the public sector, and often with the public's support.

But then why don't the taxi drivers actually compete in the market? Offer better quality service, make apps that allow the same convenience as with uber, improve the condition of the cars, etc. THAT would be what's supposed to happen in a free market, and it's not like they can't compete. Maybe petition to lower the cost of licenses.

Besides, it's not like the taxi drivers are in the minority here. They've already won this argument; Uber is illegal in France, so I really don't see what they're protesting for.

Comment Re:Unacceptable... (Score 4, Insightful) 333

However, once you start interfering with other people's lives (who aren't involved in this at all), I view that as unacceptable and utterly puerile.

Martin Luther King:

I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.”

#1: The taxi drivers are not being persecuted by society.

#2: Martin Luther King Jr.'s cause is one that I believe is great enough to allow stuff like that, even though I don't agree with the way he did his protests. While I am neutral in this debate, the taxi drivers are not pursuing freedom to live or anything like that, but their jobs. If it was revealed that there were terrible conditions in the market of Estonian basket weaving, and they decided to march in front of your house and barricade your driveway, I highly doubt you'd have any sympathy.

#3: Please at least come up with something new to say as opposed to just copy-placing the same block of text multiple times on this story. It makes you look like a troll.

Comment Unacceptable... (Score 1) 333

I don't really have very strong feelings in this debate, but that kind of protesting isn't acceptable. Standing outside a government building or your company's HQ to protest, that's perfectly fine. However, once you start interfering with other people's lives (who aren't involved in this at all), I view that as unacceptable and utterly puerile. While I don't call for arrests like the other people who've posted ahead of me, I do hope the police force open the roads.

Comment Well... (Score 4, Insightful) 86

I have a feeling all the people who are talking about their privacy being invaded have yet to read the summary. It specifically mentions websites associated with "business and financial transactions". Are you proposing that to run a legitimate business, you don't ever have to reveal to your customers such basic things like a phone number or a mailing address? I find it awfully hard to trust a business that doesn't want any interaction with its customers whatsoever.

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