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Comment Re:Your justice system is flawed, too. (Score 1) 1081

Well if European justice worked like US justice even had at this time, they not only would have arrested Hitler, but they would have put the whole Nazi party under check for being a terrorist organization and probably arrested most of their ringleaders for conspiracy and had it forcibly disbanded.

Which if you want a precedent for this, look at the first KKK which was hunted down by the federal government and was completely obliterated by 1882. (The current KKK is a different organization.) The first KKK would routinely try to influence elections and had popular support in many areas, just like the Nazi party. It took martial law in many areas to get rid of them.

Comment Re:Your justice system is flawed, too. (Score 1) 1081

Stalin himself (or rather, the Communist Party) probably wouldn't have gained power if the Germans hadn't invaded.

Something Hitler learned was that you need an enemy in order to rally your population to war, giving you power in the process. The enemy Hitler created was the Jews. Russia however had a real enemy, the Germans. Before Germany invaded Russia, Russia's army was rather pathetic.

Even after WWII, Russia had most of its population convinced that Fascism was still the biggest threat, and they also had them convinced that the west was trying to continue Fascism (keep in mind that Fascism IS a western concept, born in Italy and was very popular throughout most of Europe in several governments for quite a while even after WWII.) In fact the "official" reason Russia used for creating the Berlin wall was to keep Fascist influence out (though the real reason was because they needed to keep people from leaving the soviet bloc because it was a serious drain on their population of skilled workers who wanted to go to capitalist countries where they knew they could live better.)

Comment Re:Your justice system is flawed, too. (Score 4, Interesting) 1081

The first time Hitler tried to seize power in Germany via a coup, he was arrested and used his trial to gain publicity, and rallied a lot of people towards his cause while he was in prison.

Which by the way, 20 people died in his coup attempt, something that would probably have made him eligible for the death penalty in the US (felony-murder doctrine) which had he been executed, it would have averted his eventual reign which itself lead to WWII.

Comment Re:Not a problem (Score 1) 115

LEO satellites have the potential of lower latency than some landline broadband connections. Some ISPs (Cox is one I can name off the top of my head) have their first hop border router up to a 1.5k miles from your geographical location. LEO satellites can operate comfortably at a quarter of that distance.

Comment Re:Shouldn't they be after Google? (Score 1) 148

Motorola Mobility does not pay but Motorola Solutions does pay. And didn't Google sell Motorola Mobility to Lenovo anyway? The point is that Google used patented code and left all Android vendors exposed.

Microsoft didn't invent those patents. They bought them from Nortel who really was using them defensively and never sued any Android OEMs.

Comment Re: A laptop with almost no ports?! (Score 1) 529

Have you even seen the Dell XPS 13? Not only does it manage to get a bigger screen in a slightly smaller form factor (albeit slightly thicker,) but the build materials are VERY good as well, and it features a much more powerful processor.

Lenovo has a 13" laptop that weighs in at 1.7lbs (lighter than the new macbook, again with a more powerful CPU and bigger screen.) They also have a 2-in-1 version (where the hinge is 360 degree rotatable) that will be 2lbs.

Asus has something similar in the pipe but I don't recall the details.

Comment Re:No time zones, no DST, centons (Score 1) 277

I remember while playing World of Warcraft, you'd have a raid with 20 people, and each of them lived in 4-5 different time zones. That problem seems to have been dealt with rather well using one of two systems:

- You schedule times based on what time your server clock indicated
- In cross-server environments (especially PVP) where not everybody had the same server clock, you'd schedule events based on an offset from the present time.

So for example if it was 3:00 my time and I was doing to be back on the game at 8:00 my time, I'd just say "I'll be back in about 5 hours" rather than specify the time.

Comment Re:Exception, not rule. (Score 1) 98

This is a bigger reason why staffing agencies should be subject to the same laws as labor unions - even if it means that joining a staffing agency isn't a condition for accepting work at a given organization. If it really is about "flexibility" and not benefit-dodging "disposability", then they would welcome the challenge of competing with better forms of work.

I'd say no thanks there. Labor unions are perhaps the biggest reason why it is often so risky to hire people. Case in point:


Comment Re:Gee, thanks Texas (Score 2) 367

I always thought Texas was the most liberal second amendment state, but apparently not. In Arizona, concealed carry isn't regulated at all (you can get CCW permits, but there's no reason to get one unless you plan to concealed carry out of the state) and neither is manufacturing.

And I mean "liberal" literally, and not the political connotation that is usually anything but liberal when it comes to firearms.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 98

I've had a job like that too. Do you know why they pay $9 an hour for that job? Because it's unskilled and you can find people all day at that rate. The only reason it isn't minimum wage is because then people wouldn't stay longer than their first day. The forces of supply and demand end up pushing the rate to what it is.

Personally I wouldn't even do that kind of work for $15 an hour. My sanity just isn't worth that price. I wouldn't even do it for $25 an hour. Why? Because I've been able to land jobs that pay that much for doing better things.

But, not everybody can. That and some people don't mind that kind of work, and some don't mind it at $9 an hour either.

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