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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 14 declined, 2 accepted (16 total, 12.50% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - 47-year-old Internet stalker causes suicide 1

Slartibartfast writes: "Perhaps others had heard about this story, but I hadn't noticed it until it hit The Times today. A 47-year-old woman — pretending to be a teenage boy — played with the emotions of a neighboring teenage girl, eventually causing her to commit suicide. Her penalty? Nothing. I admit to being of two minds on this one: should someone be culpable for, by way of the written word, causing mental anguish leading to someone's death? The Free Speech part of me says no; the humane part of me says yes."

Submission + - Political affiliation

Slartibartfast writes: "(Well, I didn't want to choose "Democrats" as my sub-category, but "Politics" isn't there.) What with the impending election, I suggest a poll as follows:

With which political entity do you feel most closely aligned?

- Democrats
- Republicans
- Liberals
- Conservatives
- Centrists
- Libertarians
- Communists
- CowboyNeal

[Feel free to add, subtract, or modify political entities as you see fit.]"

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