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Comment Re:Automated manufacturing (Score 2) 327

Some time ago I researched long-term trends in employment by sector in the Netherlands. Employment in all sectors is declining except for few: entertainment, hospitaliy, (medical) care, "sales", automation, recycling. I suspect the latter two to go into decline sooner or later as well. As long as we manage to prevent extreme concentration of wealth with the owners of the automated production there shouldn't be a real problem; we're all going to entertain each other and care for each other and sell each other stuff.

Comment Re:Proof by assertion? (Score 1) 285

The party crashing into the rear was tailgating (or not paying attention). The party slamming the brakes apparently either failed to notice that someone was tailgating or chose to ignore it. Compare this to situations where one party runs the red light; in this situation the other party is completely innocent and did not have and serious option to prevent the crash.

Comment Bullshit (Score 1) 335

Oh there's the bullshit again. Red light camera's do increase safety. They may not decrease the number accidents but typically DO decrease casualties. But much more important, they reduce innocent victims. Instead of innocent people dying because some idiot slammed into the side of their car, we now mostly have 50% victims that either crashed into another car because they were tailgating and we have 50% victims that were incompetent drivers that failed to appreciate their surroundings, especially the idiot tailgating, and slammed the brakes in a panic.

Even if red light cameras would't increase safety, they would distribute casualties in a much fairer way, lowering the number of innocent victims and increasing the number of not-so-innocent victims. Red-light camera's increase effective self-determination.

Comment Less fatalities? (Score 2) 285

Earlier studies consistently showed red light cameras resulted in less fatalities. And thus more injuries. I'm not convinced.

Furthermore, in rear-end collisions both parties are somewhat guilty. In T-bone crashes, typically only the one running the red light was clearly guilty. Therefore red light cameras result in a distribution of injuries that's fairer.

Comment Re:Line length and eye movement error (Score 1) 567

I've read that too, but it's not science and it's not correct. While it's true that after 80 columns or more people have more trouble "carriage returning" their eyes, which leads to the subjective idea that long lines are not efficient, it is not; the advantage of having longer lines nearly always outweighs the disadvantages of having more trouble skipping to the next line. Longer is better. Always.

Also, it's totally ridiculous we're having this discussion. HTML allows content to scale with the screen. Fixed column widths are ridiculous. They do serve a purpose, however: they hide the fact that most news items nowadays are in fact just oneliners:p

Comment Don't (Score 4, Interesting) 567

So because web designers fail to properly design the web and thus leave me with ridiculously narrow columns, I should rotate my monitor? That's rubbish. Scientific research has shown again and again that we can read longer lines much more efficiently than we can read short lines, even though our subjective experience is often to the contrary. Just fix those websites and keep your monitor in landscape. Thank you.

Comment So what about the men?! (Score 1) 310

There quite a lot of violence against men in the game as well. Probably much more so than violence against women. Not too long ago, while I was playing Trevor, I was kidnapped by some guy who beat me up, drugged me, raped me in the ass and then left me naked and unconscious in the railroad tracks. So why isn't that a problem according to Target? Either Target is a bunch of sexist assholes or they believe women are fundamentally weak and in need of protection like this, which would make them ... o yeah. Sexist assholes.

By the way, I've never managed to really sexually assault a woman in the game. Is that even possible?

Comment Poor girl (Score 1) 584

"larger society keeps forcing sexist stereotypes on her"

While that may be somewhat true, it's not the whole story. Babies only a few days old already display typical male or female interests that result in this girl wanting to be a princess. In countries where emancipation has come much further and woman and man are absolutely free to choose their jobs, they tend to pick (stereo)typical male or female jobs than in other countries!

Point is, a big part of gender-stereotypical behavior is not "learned". It is congenital. If you believe otherwise, please don't bother your child with it.

Also, please watch this awesome documentary on the subject:

Comment Re:Yes (Score 5, Informative) 409

"it appears that humans are worse drain than the radiation"

Only if you look at photogenic large mammals like we always do. But nature is much more than that. Fungi, microbes, spiders and insects are doing very bad, so bad in fact that dead trees are hardly decaying. Birds have very small brains compared to birds from more healthy regions. And trees are not growing as fast as they should.

Bottomline: large parts of the natural cycle are not working and we don't know very well what the long term effects will be. What we DO know, is that abnormal amounts of flammable biomass is accumulating in the area. A forest-fire could cause huge redistribution of radioactive materials.

Comment Age doesn't matter (Score 3, Interesting) 376

Age doesn't matter - I've had multiple rather old people on my team of software engineers. Age really doesn't matter.

However, as you get older and your knowledge and experience grows, you will get parasites. Instead of applying your knowledge and experience developing software like you used to, you will be answering all kinds of questions, performing little chores etc. because you happen to know how to because of your experience... to the point that you can no longer just be a software engineer. Research has shown that after each interruption it takes about 17 minutes to get back to the job. On average. For complex coding jobs, this time may be much longer and just a single question about something important but not directly related to your job may get you out of the flow for the rest of the day.

You may need to switch jobs to avoid this; once you start getting more than a handful of such requests that are not part of your coding job, run.

Also, consistently being an asshole may prevent this. But that's probably similarly detrimental to you career...

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