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Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 1) 237

Hm, interesting, I haven't observed that. FWIW, I don't think you need to lock the tables if you're using innodb - you can dump the db with the 'single-transaction' option. I don't deny your experience... but I dunno.

Now, I have had problems with replication halting in odd ways and having to skip errors. That's annoying, indeed.

Anyhow, I'll happily leave MySQL behind and move to PostgreSQL any chance I get.

Comment Re:Does it matter? (Score 4, Informative) 237

> We started using PostgreSQL back when Sun bought MySQL

Right on. And PostgreSQL is about to remove one of the last big barriers for using it - streaming replication is coming in 9.0. Huzzah! I was just listening to a "Rails on PostgreSQL" talk from Pivotal Labs and that was cited as one of the few places where MySQL was ahead... not for long...

Comment ZeroHedge had a discussion on the Nanex report... (Score 4, Interesting) 411

...right here. One commenter had some interesting things to say about "quote stuffing":

Just because the folks at Nanex can't figure out why a system was entering orders and cancelling them frequently does not mean that they were being "stuffed" to thwart competitor's systems.

The logic on the machines placing those orders (HFT or otherwise) may have been severely screwed up by the craziness of 5/6 and the latency on data feeds - but there is no way to profit by spewing lots of quotes.

First, everyone in the HFT space has plenty of headroom to process the full raw feeds (rather than the SIAC consolidated feeds Nanex is looking at). A few thousand extra quotes per second is not meaningful to systems that can process millions of quotes per second.

More to the point though, each exchange gives each participant a port on which to send their order flow. Those ports are rate limited. That means that if you send thousands of spurious quotes that are not going to hit, the only harm you cause is to your own trading strategies, since when you finally did want to execute a trade at a price where the execution was remotely likely, you are going to have that order queue behind all of your other orders on the same port.

So it might not be the big advantage that Nanex sees it as.


Canadian Blood Services Promotes Pseudoscience 219

trianglecat writes "The not-for-profit agency Canadian Blood Services has a section of their website based on the Japanese cultural belief of ketsueki-gata, which claims that a person's blood group determines or predicts their personality type. Disappointing for a self-proclaimed 'science-based' organization. The Ottawa Skeptics, based in the nation's capital, appear to be taking some action."

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
