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Submission + - BitTorrent Comes to the Cell Phone (

An anonymous reader writes: Finally, a BitTorrent interface for the mobile phone. Dubbed uTorrent mUI, the web user interface allows the end user to control torrent downloads remotely. The interface still lacks the ability to add torrents, however bringing BitTorrent capabilities to the cell phone is a giant step forward.

Submission + - How to find Web Server Information through Telnet (

shahryarghazi writes: "Before you proceed, please note that this method may not work at all times because some websites hide their server information. Also, this method should be used to find out more about your site's security and should not be used for any other purposes. All the instructions below are tested on Ubuntu Linux Server but should work fine on other platforms running telnet."

iPhone Faces Uncertain Market 869

48 hours have passed since Steve Jobs's MacWorld keynote and the reality distortion field is beginning to wear off. Lists of the drawbacks of the announced iPhone are sprouting all over the Net (and there is the occasional defense by true believers). Now narramissic writes, "The iPhone may be poised to take over the high-end cell phone market, but is it a market worth taking? Not if an InStat survey from July is any indication: Of 1,800 consumers surveyed, just 21 had spent more than $400 for a cell phone. Prices for the iPhone, admittedly more of a handheld computer than a cell phone, start at $499 for the 4G-byte version with a required two-year contract with Cingular. So, is Apple pricing it right? Analysts quoted in this article seem to think Apple's going to have a hard time getting the 1% of market share that Jobs called for."
Technology (Apple)

Submission + - iPhone - world's greatest Micro-Table NOT phone

An anonymous reader writes: A great post on why the iPhone, even though a great device will likely not revolutionize the phone market. Written by some industry experts, this post talks about what is really needed in a 'one device in my pocket' phone+communicator device and market realities. Also, the iPhone technology is not really that new — Asian OEMs have had touch screen LCDs for a while longer than iPhone. Link: rlds-best-micro-tablet-not.html

Submission + - The Biggest List of Digital Camera Sample Photos

rudman writes: "View here the biggest list of digital camera sample photos ever. You can find here sample photos for various models of manufacturers like BenQ, Canon, Casio, Fujifilm, HP, Kodak, Konica Minolta, Olympus, Leica, Nikon, Panasonic, Pentax, Ricoh, Samsung and Sony. You can see the list here: Sample photos of all manufacturers And in the end of the page you can see some related resources where you can also view samples. Awesome list."

Submission + - Wikileaks - anonymous whistle-blowing

too_old_to_be_irate writes: An interesting exercise — over a million documents already? From the site:

Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. Our primary interests are oppressive regimes in Asia, the former Soviet bloc, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, but we also expect to be of assistance to those in the west who wish to reveal unethical behavior in their own governments and corporations. We aim for maximum political impact; this means our interface is identical to Wikipedia and usable by non-technical people. We have received over 1.1 million documents so far from dissident communities and anonymous sources.
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Looking for ideas on a complex hotspot network.

ArcadeX writes: I currently work for a local not-for-profit financial institution with five branchs. At our main office, we provide free wireless internet to our members (and local neighborhood from what the logs tell me), and the question has been raised about providing hotspot access at our other branches. Currently, we have no legal CYA, just a router with DHCP and several WAP's around the building completely separated from our network. Been looking at NoCatNet and like it, but need a total solution. Looking for a linux distro that is easy to install in a windows shop, than can handle DHCP (possibly with a time limit for the squatters?), some type of splash page to tell people they are responsible for what they do online, not us, a VPN tunnel through our network to our main branch internet pipe, to keep them out of our network, bandwidth throttling to keep our interbranch network lines from getting drowned, and would love some form of content filter (DansFilter?) to say we at least attempted to keep out the kiddy porn. I've used linux for years, but never as an advanced user, and no one else here knows anything about it, all of these options would have to have some form of web interface, and the easier to use the better, I've never even set up a VPN in linux.
Operating Systems

Windows Home Server Details 234

phorest writes "Perhaps Microsoft read the comments from the Slashdot community on Windows Home Server? In any event Microsoft is opening up WHS for users to construct their own system after all; though I'd like to see the price of this OS release before making the jump. From the review: "At the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week... Microsoft previewed its long-awaited Windows Home Server product, a Windows Server 2003 R2-based server for consumers that dispenses with the complexities of most Windows Server versions and provides the core storage, sharing, and remote access functionality that digital media and home networking enthusiasts require... Microsoft will make WHS available in two ways: Bundled with new WHS hardware and software-only, the latter so that enthusiasts can install the system on the hardware of their choice... If you're building your own home server, Microsoft requires a 1 GHz processor or better, 512 MB of RAM or more, and as many disks as you think you need. The company will support multiple home servers on the same network, but it's still murky how that will work."

Submission + - Cnet sets a shining example of mail server admin

jetkins writes: Cnet's site kindly provides a service to send stories to yourself of your friends via email. However, the server that they use to trasmit those emails into the 'net is incorrectly configured.

Specifically, it uses the name "cn-sfo1-mail-relay1.cnet.cnwk" in its HELO argument — an invalid name which cannot be resolved by a DNS lookup and thus will be rejected by any securely-configured mail server it tries to contact.

Submission + - The best friend of DRM: Apple Inc.

parvenu74 writes: Arstechnica is running an article pointing out that while some pockets of the entertainment industry are experimenting with DRM-free distrobution, Apple Inc, which announced that they have now sold over 2,000,000,000 songs on iTunes, are now the strongest pro-DRM force in digial media. From the article: "DRM is dying. It's a statement being echoed with increasing frequency around the Web over the last few weeks, and is perhaps best articulated in this Billboard article. But there's a powerful force standing in the way of this DRM-free panacea, and it might not be the one you expect: Apple, Inc."
Media (Apple)

Submission + - Steve Jobs' RDF extends to the social web

An anonymous reader writes: The coverage of Steve's keynote showed the benefits that the social web can bring to news coverage. We had multiple bloggers live-blogging from the event, AJAX-powered feeds from sites like Macrumors, and social bookmarkers ensured that breaking news hit the front-pages within minutes. But was there enough time for Jobs' famous RDF to subside before hitting publish?

Submission + - PHP apps: security's low-hanging fruit

somersault writes: "There have been a lot of people on /. making jokes at the expense of PHP recently, but how many common security flaws in PHP are the fault of the language, and how many the fault of the developer? A recent Security Focus article (this version is from El Reg, the layout is better) has a brief discussion which suggests that PHP is no less secure than any other scripting language, and that it is the users of the language themselves who need to be educated. The other side of the story is that the developers of PHP themselves work on tightening up the language to make it more 'idiot proof' by default. Should the team developing PHP take a more active role in controlling the use of their language? What will it take to ensure that users of the language learn to use it securely, short of defacing every vulnerable website out there?"

Submission + - Bit-torrent @ the U!

UM_Paul writes: "Like most universities here in the backwater superpower of North America, the U blocks all P2P traffic. Recently however I've had several complaints about students network access being locked down and possibly terminated shortly after they finish an all night bender in Azeroth. After some investigation we found the Blizzard Background Downloader to be the culprit. As the person responsible for student affairs involving the network it falls squarely on me to find a resolution to this before I'm hung up by
my armor and sheepified.

I've managed to convince the administration to hear me out on why they should allow bit-torrent traffic on the network. I need your help. I need every reason, possibility, and excuse the Slashdot crowd can come up with as to why "they" should allow bit-torrent access to their users. Yes, everything. I have to give this presentation on Monday so you have until Sunday night to get me every reason there is and the best ways to present/argue the case.

Good luck and good hunting. See you the other side.

PS: in case even this doesn't work, is there a way to selectively filter torrent traffic so they can block the files they want without killing access altogether?"

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