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Comment Re:Translation pls. (Score 2) 159

Hey I have written a TCP/IP stack* and don't remember the specifics anymore... Thinking that every technical person remembers every thing they ever touched is idiotic. Thinking every technical person knows details of everything is even more idiotic.

(* embedded stuff using good old SLIP)

Comment Re:They really 'avenged' the wrong person (Score 1) 1350

Isn't this a picture of the Muhammad that they 'avenged' the same guy who admitted to have 'married' a 9-year-old girl?

No a 6 year old. He just didn't fuck her before the age of 9.

Doesn't that mean his picture would have to be published on the child sex offender website as a statutory rapist?

No as he lived in another country with another set of laws and practices. Practices that wasn't too uncommon and still aren't in some parts of the world.
Besides the fact that he has been dead for a long time.

OTOH You (and I) could be sentenced to death today for insulting the prophet and Islam.

Comment Re:You beat me to it. (Score 1) 252

While you are right the reason QNX is a good solution isn't really that it's small and reliable, the reason is network transparency and composability.

With QNX (or a similar system design) one could make every device at home a part of one common system where e.g. one could play a game via a smartphone, a TV or a tablet while actually running on a gaming machine/console. One could start a process like video compression and it would transparently be done on the fastest device. It would also (with some extra support) be possible to move tasks between devices in such a way that one could transfer a snapshot to ones smartphone before leaving the house - so one can continue running it while disconnected. When later coming home the task could again be transferred to another device with more performance.

The big problem with such a system is that it's hard to secure.

Comment Re:News at 11.. (Score 2) 719

The thing is that most "crackers" are very skilled and as much hackers as those who don't do illegal things.
If one person with a certain level of skills choose to apply those skills on illegal stuff they still have those skills.
A math genius using math to swindle people is still a math genius.
A soldier using his training to murder people still have military training.

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