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McAfee To Pay For PC Repairs After Patch Fiasco 212

Barence writes "McAfee has offered to pay for the PC repairs of consumers affected by last week's faulty antivirus update. The problematic patch falsely identified the SVCHOST.EXE Windows file as a virus, causing PCs running Windows XP SP3 to crash or enter endless reboot cycles. In a blog post addressed to 'Home or Home Office Consumers,' the company offered to reimburse PC repair expenses, though there was a notable caveat. 'If you have already incurred costs to repair your PC as a result of this issue, we're committed to reimbursing reasonable expenses,' the company said. 'Reasonable expenses' has yet to be formally defined."

Comment Re:Soviet vs. American engineering (Score 1) 183

I don't think orbit calculations require serious PDE calculations - high quality ODEs (and good data to support your calculation) will solve your problem of calculating trajectories. Fluid dynamics and any material science you want to work on, sure, but the problems concerning the practicalities of where you will be in space does are comparatively low-budge, computationally speaking.

Comment Re:A mathematician help me ! tough math problem (Score 1) 449

You are correctly answering the question "How many votes would it take to have 2/3 majority if 70 are against you?" We are able to call the election simply by checking that (70+136)*2/3=137+1/3>136. What appears strange is that if you look at that check you may think that 138 would be enough but you increase the required votes because you now have more voters (assuming the other side stays constant): (70+138)*2/3=138+2/3>138 so 138 votes is still not enough. The 140 you calculated is the correct number.

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