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Comment Re:The best the SCOTUS could do is wipe software p (Score 1) 192

I'm guessing if you lost your job because someone stole your ideas/methods and ran you out of business, you'd look more favorably at patents.

Or maybe you're just stupid.

No, if my source of income was based on an idea that was easily copied and I ran my business so poorly that I couldn't handle the inevitable competition, THEN I'd be stupid.

BTW, you can't "steal" ideas, only copy them.

Comment Re:Autism is too broad and other problems (Score 1) 558

Please, stop with the hyperbole. It doesn't help the case for autism at all.

If one in 68 children were missing limbs at birth, there would be an international outcry

Autism is a spectrum disorder...ranging from barely noticeable to completely life-dominating.

The equivalent would be 1 in 68 children ranging from missing their left arm to having a slightly shorter fingernail on their pinky.

Why aren't we investigating more? Why?!

12% of people (1 in 8!!!!) DIE from cancer.

Why aren't we investigating more? Why?!

Funding rates for autism are similar to funding rates for epilepsy, which has a similar incidence rate. Lot's of investigation is being done, but unfortunately it is very difficult to research.

It's inaccurate to simply put it all under that one umbrella and treat things under a "common core" and ultimately unhealthy to do so.

Cancer also ranges from a mild irritation (skin cancer) to a life-altering extremely serious issue. Guess what? The cures for each are pretty much the same. Just because the intensity of the effects vary, this does not mean that it is inaccurate to treat them similarly.

but we do have some basic facts we can at least point to:
1. The rate is high and climbing still.
2. The problem isn't being studied properly.

1. High compared to what?
2. You have provided absolutely no evidence that the problem isn't being studied properly.

This problem definitely fits the definition of "epidemic" and yet somehow it doesn't warrant investigation and study? Is it because important business models will be threatened? I believe that will be of high likelihood.

If you are serious about this, you may want to consider seeking professional help. The level of paranoia required to believe it is "highly likely" that big business or the government is inducing autism in the population for their own nefarious reasons is quite disturbing.

Comment Re:real answer (Score 1) 108

Yes, but I think the GP's point was that FB doesn't make enough revenue to be buying multi-billion dollar speculative investments as rapidly as they are.

It certainly appears as though FB is just casting about randomly, hoping to latch on to the "next big thing". Whatsapp was a particularly strange investment as their income entirely depends on the business model of telecom companies. The minute telecoms wise up and just package SMS in with data, Whatsapp's revenue stream dries up.

It's as though Zuckerberg wants to be as cool as Jobs (in the prior to being dead way)....but has no idea how to do it.

Comment Re:PoE $0 D3 $60 + $40 (Score 1) 166

Yeah...played Exile up to the point where I realized I'd screwed up my talent tree. Then realized it would be prohibitively expensive for me to fix it. Moved on.

Yes, Diablo 3 is more casual. I like that. Strangely, I want games to be fun, not work. The minute I need to spend offline time researching how to best min/max my video game character is the minute I stop playing. Some people enjoy doing that...but I'm just not one of them.

Comment Re:Nope. (Score 1) 166

Interesting, as almost all of your complaints were actually fixed by Loot 2.0 / RoS.

I originally found D3 to be an above-average, but not amazing game.

After 2.0...items that were fixed:
grind-fest - power-levelling is completely viable now. Grab a couple of level 60 friends and you can level to 60 in a few hours
random maps - added in RoS
Loot / Botched AH - AH gone. Loot 2.0 fixes most loot issues
Different Game - D3 "feels" a lot more like a Diablo game than it did previously. If anything, it is an improvement on D2.

Comment Re:From someone who gave up on the game... (Score 1) 166

I've played 40+ hours since the launch of the Loot 2.0 system and have yet to see a legendary or epic drop.

That seems very strange. I get at least one legendary almost anytime I play (around 2-3 hour play sessions).

From what I understand, there is actually a legendary "timer" that increases the chance of finding a legendary as you play. Based on this, it should be nearly impossible to play 10+ hours without finding a legendary.

Diablo guarantees you a legendary the first time you kill him (after loot 2.0)'ve gone 40+ hours and haven't reached Diablo yet?

Comment Re:New Type of "Computing" (Score 1) 60

This may be something neat, but unless it offers something more than a new way to represent bits, it won't mean that we can solve new sets of problems.

Exactly. The problem of a "new type of computing" is a math problem, not an engineering one.

If we ever see a new kind of computing, it will be due to theoretical computer science / mathematics, not physics/engineering.

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