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Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 517

It is caused by poorly written programs that run as admin and write to the registry each time they run. So you run the app 200 days a year and it creates 200 forks of the registry that need to launch in parallel at startup :-)

I'm concerned about your mental health. This doesn't make any sense, doesn't map to any files on my drive, nor any performance traces, nor really anything in the real world. Seek help.

Comment Re:Security team (Score 2) 517

"IT is there to help people do whatever it is you do, not the other way around."

That's how you see it, not how IT, nor Management, nor lots of other orgs see it. WMIPRSRV and SCCM kick off a 5 o'clock because that's "close of business". It makes getting out of the office late difficult because:

1) WMIPRSRV and SCCM use a lot of disk I/O
2) Windows NT kernel sucks at heavy I/O
3) I'm trying to finish something quickly when the computer is slower than normal
4) It is close of business, and you should have finished what you were doing

#1 is a design decision. #2 is architectural. #3 is situational. #4 is management deciding when business hours are, and IT deciding that "after business hours" is when heavy I/O operations should run, especially if they have to have staff present "just in case" and would prefer not to have staff later than necessary.

IT's support role is just, in other words, a small part of the decision chain.

Comment Re:No Organizations (Score 1) 268

Oh, that's right up the "entitled bitch" category.

Investors can buy into an IPO, supporting a business, or they can by shares on the secondary market, call themselves "investors" or "contributors to the GDP", and be worth exactly what I crapped into the toilet.

Investing money in a business is a dead end, given the highs of the market. Some bubble is about to burst, and you have to be lucky or an insider to profit.

Did you ever study History, specifically the Renaissance period? Because Patreon is exactly that, but distributed so that numerous non-rich people can support a worthy artist.

I guess you're just an ignorant idiot. Many work their asses off to suck money from the economy for the benefit of no one. Investors occasionally invest in an IPO, but more frequently engage in after-market trading, which benefits no one but either the IPO investors, or themselves, or most likely both.

Surely you know how an IPO, stock market, and investments in general work?

Comment Re:Prime Scalia - "Words no longer having meaning" (Score 1) 591

"This wasn't a 5-4 split, it was 6-3."

"In the 5-4 ruling, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority with the four liberal justices. Each of the four conservative justices wrote their own dissent"

I guess CNN is wrong.

Or Fox.

"But in a 5-4 ruling, the court held that the 14th Amendment requires states to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples and to recognize such marriages performed in other states. "

"We have these splits because..."

That's never happened before. Please, elucidate. Partisan? I read the dissenting opinions, and the joinings. Have you? Have you thought about what you read?

Comment Re:Functional languages? (Score 1) 383

"Particularly I'm wondering if he has any interest in Rust or Go, since they are actually targeting themselves at lower levels."

Context is a thing, and it should be understood. Having Rust or Go as an option in a distro is completely go-ahead (not for me, but for distro maintainers).

I understood the "lower levels" aspect to apply to 1) Linus as a programmer 2) Linus as a kernel maintainer 3) lower levels as kind of a thing where performance, binary compatibility perchance, and 3) fuck you

Comment Re:Systemd (Score 1) 383

Goddammit you ignorant retard, didn't you read my entire post before replying? Of course not, because this is DashSlot where retards convene.

Because the very next sentence was "Oh, guess not." It was sarcasm. I'm sure you can find a translation of what that word means in your native language, but it means you didn't understand me at all, and if you had read further, you might have understood, unless you were a FUCKING RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT,

Or maybe you just overlooked something, which I have done, and will not fault you for. But mostly the above, unless you are a decent person, and then I hope you learned something.

Comment Re:Alternately ... (Score -1, Redundant) 70

So... at some point we won't understand that newspeak is newspeak?

Look, most of these idiots on DashSlot can't comprehend that the first two words of their post have already been addressed by the first two words of The Fucking Article. First hit will be "Supreme Commander" but you will find more if you look at my posts.

Do you think there will be no platform to object to Newspeak? Do you think Dice will just shut down this quasi-profitable cesspool? Okay, the last one is basically a business plan, but the first question is in play.

Still, we must âoetrust, but verify.â We need to ensure that Charter will not lose its way after taking over Time Warner and becoming four times larger. Thatâ(TM)s where merger commitments come in. In its legal application filed today with the FCC, Charter makes its case that the merger will benefit the public, and offers several legally enforceable commitments.

Do you take drugs that are illegal in a lot of countries?

In fact, in the end, I personally wrote the commitments. For the first time, Iâ(TM)d like to lay out what those commitments are and why I think they is so strong... Charter is accepting almost all of the orderâ"the bright line rules and interconnection mandates. (We will get to the âoegeneral conduct rule,â where Charter is accepting a variation.)

Go argue about the variation, but your tin foil hat wearing ass is going to have to actually read The Fucking Article and post something legitimate in response. Otherwise, you deserve to be modded to oblivion and shot in the tits and/or balls. I'm guessing tits. But be specific, or fuck off back to Retardistan.

Comment Re:Functional languages? (Score 1) 383

Linux can be ported anywhere, but the complexity increases if you include other languages as part of the kernel.

Linux is self-hosting in C. There is very little to do in the way of porting, relatively speaking. And by that I mean there is a lot, but you don't have to rewrite giant chunks of the thing.

Would you want to have to implement a minimal compiler for C, or minimal compilers for Rust/Go and C?

Or maybe you mean: Include a native back-end for gcc and let the front-end do the work? I can see value in possibly having a first stage compiler that allows compilation of a Rust/Go compiler/interpreter at the second stage, but that seems complicated.

I admit that at this point I'm kind of confused about how you see this working. Someone with many years in C and assembly, and to be able to judge the quality, performance, effectiveness, and overall do-I-give-a-fuck-tiveness of a patch in a new language?

Comment Re:Rigor and developments (Score 1) 383

I expect you know something about running a Linux development project, hcs_$reboot (1536101)? Oh no, wait, that's Linus, and until you have his 20+ years in doing so, you should shut up and color like a good boy instead of wasting our fucking time on idiotic questions like this.

I should be spending my time reading, learning from, and responding to, intelligent points made by intelligent people. But instead here I am with your horseshit and drivel. If you give a shit about posting on DashSlot, then by all means learn what it is to post on DashSlot. Otherwise do us all a favor and take up a more useful career, like being an organ donor.

-Linux Torbalds

Comment Re:Systemd (Score 1) 383

Isn't SystemD a component of the kernel and so it's something that we should expect him to have an opinion on?

Oh, guess not. Plus, your question is the Trojan Horse, with a masked payload. Maybe he loves it. Maybe he doesn't spend time with the kinds of configurations needed to maintain a rack of servers because the distros take care of it.

Linus has switched desktop environments (more than once) and distros, and seems content to run anything that 1) has Linux at the core, and 2) Works and 3) There is no better option.

Stupid question, should have been rephrased in any number of better ways.

Comment Re:How long are you in the game? (Score 1) 383

I'm more interested in the context. It's classic click-bait - just dive right in to something without any context.

I assume the reporter asked a question, as opposed to Linus just randomly opening with that line of conversation. The rest are personal details that, if he feels are unimportant because of the competence of existing participants, are likewise unimportant to the rest of us.

IOW we've talked about this, and Linus mainly just merges to main, choosing what to include or what's not ready. There are at least a thousand people in the world who could do that, and maybe 5-10 who are ready to do it today.

The conversation, combined with Linus Torvaldsâ(TM)s aggression behind the wheel, makes this sunny afternoon drive suddenly feel all too serious. Torvaldsâ"the grand ruler of all geeksâ"does not drive like a geek. He plasters his foot to the pedal of a yellow Mercedes convertible with its âoeDAD OF 3â license plate as we rip around a corner on a Portland, Ore., freeway. My body smears across the passenger door. âoeThere is no concrete plan of action if I die,â Torvalds yells to me over the wind and the traffic. âoeBut that would have been a bigger deal 10 or 15 years ago. People would have panicked. Now I think theyâ(TM)d work everything out in a couple of months.â

Comment Re:Prime Scalia - "Words no longer having meaning" (Score 1) 591

We frequently have a 5-4 split just because what you assert is not plainly obvious to all 9 Judges. The intent matters to some, interpreting the Constitution as a "living document" that must be interpreted in modern times. Not everyone sees it that way.

We have arguments about why the following text appears, and what it was intended to mean, does mean, or if we can just ignore the meaning completely: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,"

If the intent matters, then we can't ignore those words, but many do.

he rules whatever he wants, not what the constitution requires

I think you have interpreted the Constitution in your own way here. If the ruling were somehow prescribed, we wouldn't need judges to interpret. But the Constitution explicitly set them up to do exactly that.

So what you said is "I disagree". And thanks, but you're not helping.

Comment Re:Save Money and Just say no (Score 1) 381

And get fired. Great advice. I got a $200/yr raise once, because I was hourly and became salary. And they wanted to avoid potential overtime. I had no obligation, nor desire, nor reason, to work overtime, but it was worth $200/year to make sure I wouldn't get paid for time worked.

I could have been replaced just as easily, that early in my career.

Just question whether AC is posting for some reason, or another, or no reason at all.

Comment Re:No Organizations (Score 3, Insightful) 268

Help someone who shows promise.

We are going to die within +/-75 years of being born, and most of us are simply experiments in the gene pool. So quit thinking of yourself as a person who deserves to be alive, and start thinking of yourself as a step in the right direction.

Maybe you are, maybe you aren't, but these things cannot be discerned by individuals. Because to individuals, we all are important.

Pan handlers generally fall under the "don't donate" category. But you may meet someone under the "pan handler" category who deserves support. And don't just give $20 and call it good. Develop a relationship, encourage, and give when in makes sense.

The Renaissance happened in large part because people became patrons. We have Patreon to take a small percentage, or you can care about the people in your area enough to stop the parasitic investor class.

Find someone who shows promise, strike up a conversation, and figure out what they need. Offer it to them. They will be grateful, and you will have helped out a needy individual who will generate both individual profit and, most likely, profit for some bar or art store or indie label or whatever.

Boosting interest helps that individual, but it stimulates in real dollars the local economy.

Do you want to stimulate a foreign economy instead?

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