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Comment Re:If they are automating tech support, then good. (Score 5, Funny) 236

If those are tech support jobs, then they might as well automate them. The best I can tell those workers they hire over there have essentially no skills in the products they are supporting. They basically just read what the computer screen tells them to say or ask. As a customer, I'd honestly rather be talking to a machine as it would give me the same answers but might actually be at little easier to understand.

Great, now all the tech support "guys" are going to sound like Professor Hawking.

Relax, you only have to start worrying when the tech support "guys" start sounding like HAL 9000.

Comment Re:The high heritability of educational achievemen (Score 4, Funny) 154

...Did they factor in the socio-economic background of the parents, as in children of rich-folk get better education than children of poor-parents, and therefore do better, and are expected to do better, in exams.

Yes they did.

Did you bother to read the article, or did you expect someone to read it for you?

Read the article? You must be new here...

Comment Re:You Forgot One (Score 1) 425

No the problem is the USA is targeted the wrong target. You can't stop ISIS with bombs. You can't stop Al queada with bombs.

You can't stop them with guns or bullets. you can't kill them all.

It is like Afgahanistan in the 1980's the CIA got the Afghan's to fight the Soviets. then the USA left which let an entire generation become jihadists. You are fighting Ideas. You are trying to prevent the Sunni- Shitte war that has been brewing for Centuries.

The USA needs to step up and develop alternative energy sources so we don't need middle east oil and let them kill each other. Once the Middle east begins to use up their oil reserves(and that is many decades away) the fighting will stop. Actually it will get far worse for a while, but it will eventually stop.

However once the USA and Europe doesn't need their oil anymore they will stop caring and let the idiots slaughter each other.(any group fighting over religion is automatically an idiot)

True enough, but what you can do is use airpower to knock out every tank, armored car, APC, artillery piece, truck and jeep that ISIS has destory their infrastrucutre and with it their economy. Then equip their enemies with heavy weapons train them in tactics likely to work against an ISIS whose arsenal has been reduced to AK-47s, SAWs, RPGs and mortars. With the way ISIS has been behaving I'm pretty sure the locals people in places like Syria, Iraq and Kurdistan can be relied upon to grab these ISIS assholes wherever they can be found the moment they get the chance to do so and kill them in way's that would make you regurgetate your dinner if you witnessed it. Pretty much everybody from Washington through the capitals of Europe, Amman, Damascus, Erbil and Baghdad to Teheran hates these assholes worse than the black plague.

Comment Re:How would this have protected the USS Cole? (Score 4, Insightful) 142

Is the Admiral suffering from dementia, or is he just a fucking idiot? The attack on the Cole was successful because the rules of engagement did not allow the Cole to fire upon the boat.

So what was the crew of the Cole supposed to do? Blast every speedboat that came within 300 meters of their ship with a 20mm cannon? ...and before you say yes, consider the amount of shit that would hit the fan if some foreign warship blew a speedboat out of the water in New York harbor because, and I quote: 'Well Admiral sir, it looked uuuhhh.... threatening' ? Unpopular as the notion may be with some people, you can't just sail into a harbor in a foreign country and start shooting up speedbaots that you feel _might_ be a threat. Harbors in Asia and the Middle East are crawling with all kinds of boats and collateral damage is a certainty. By the sound of it that admiral is planning to field a swarm of small autonomous boats that can be deployed by a warship to patrol around it, surround any intruder and block him, allowing the warship to escape, prevent the intdruder from escaping or just destroy him depending on the ROE in that particular location. What precisely is ididotic about that?

Comment Re: The cure for obesity! (Score 3, Insightful) 126

Aspartame is one of the few substances that has been analysed to death, and we know it is quickly metabolised into 3 parts that are also found in many other sources of food that we wouldn't think twice of consuming. We don't know nearly as much about herbal teas, for instance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... no matter how hard you try to make Aspartame look more innocent than bunny rabbits and fluffy kittens It still creeps me out that Donald Rumsfeld had a hand in getting it FDA approved and bringing it to market.

Comment Re:Simple answer (Score 1) 942

Is this because he hasn't a clue about science or because he is catering to a particular political base?


Mostly though because so many conservatives have a "we have always done it that way" attitude. Many of them don't have a clue that imperial measures are very different from US customary ones (we have 20 fluid ounces to a pint, and the US has 16). Many also don't know their pecks from their bushels, or their furlongs from their rod, poll, or perch, but think the system must be good "because its traditional".

Colloquially known as the: Nothing-should-ever-change brigade

Comment Re:It's true (Score 1) 267

It's a fringe brand in that Ferrari is a fringe brand. I don't think most people wouldn't want one but I don't know a soul who has one. Very few have seen them. They aren't exactly a larger brand. IF they can mass produce a model in a reasonable price range comparable to a modern model of car it will take off. Right now it is in the fringe but I don't think it will stay there. That's exactly what the guy in the article said. He didn't say Tesla was a bad idea or that it won't take off, he said it's not there yet but this next model could very well take it there.

It will be exciting to see where we go from here.

Ford was a 'fringe' brand too. Then the Ford Model-T hit the market and the Ford brand took off. Every car company, hell every company period, that manufactures something you can put a brand logo on starts off as a 'fringe' brand. Ferrari is more of a niche brand, for most of their history they have been a small volume manufacturer that caters to the super rich elite, they remained a niche brand when they created watered down versions of their super sports cars to appeal to the less illustrious segment of society that is merely extremely well off and they remained a niche brand when they tried to create cars like the Fiat 'Dino' to sell to the wealthier segment of the unwashed masses. Tesla, on the other hand has the technology and the potential to repeat some of what Ford achieved in it's first years. That is to say if the people running Tesla Motors can overcome their current fascination with the $40.000+ luxury car market and use that technology to produce a 21st century Model T that beats the crap out of the competition on price and in the miles per kolowatt department. I'm not holding my breath though. Theree are some very decent and affordable electric cars that are already being shipped by European and Asian manufacturers while Tesla claims they won't have one in the sub $40.000 range before 2017 at the earliest.

Comment Re:Issue with FSF statement... (Score 2) 208

The difference between Savage Rabbits post and the FSFs statement is that the above post isn't a blanket one.

What is the FSF complaining about anyway? That Apple is hesitating to adopt their GPLv3 licensed version? Then Apple is a member of a large crowd that apparently includes Linus Torvalds who also has reservations about using GPLv3. Meanwhile Apple's version of BASH is freely downloadable and user modifiable which AFAIK is what the FSF wants. While it is certainly true that Apple should have quickly pushed a patch for this problem the FSF made a blanket statement that just isn't true.

Comment Re:Issue with FSF statement... (Score 1) 208

Ahem. Apple is legally compelled to issue source code for whatever version of bash they use. It's called the GPL. For the rest of their core operating system (but not the proprietary GUI), yes, Apple voluntarily has released source code. It's mostly derived from BSD licensed stuff, and nothing compelled them to do so.

It is entirely possible to run bash on Windows, too. I'll let you figure out how. And the provider of that bash is compelled to make their source code available too.

Wooosh! The OP made the rather sweeping claim that:

Everyone using Bash has the freedom to download, inspect, and modify the code -- unlike with Microsoft, Apple, or other proprietary software.

Which covers a bit more than just BASH, he made the mistake of claiming that OS X is entirely closed source which it demonstrably is not. You can patch a bug in the VPN daemon in OS X yourself, now try doing that with the corresponding Windows component. You can do the same with a bug in the version of BASH used by OS X, fix the bug, patch the code, compile it and install it on your OS X box. Now care to try and patch a bug like this in the native Windows shell? I'll let you figure out why you can't do that unless you work for Microsoft.

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