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Håkon Responds to Questions About CSS and... 204

You submitted questions for Håkon Wium Lie on June 20. Today we have his answers, not only to the (+5 moderated) questions we sent him, but to a bunch of others he thought would also be interesting to answer.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Data Havens

Yesterday Slashdot published a submission of mine. It was a rambling link-stuffed question that mentioned and asked about data havens. I'm not sure the question came across accurately based on the responses, but there were a few good ones. I made a few responses in the thread, which hopefully won't go unnoticed.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Grouse

With all due respect to this, I'm frustrated about a submission that was rejected. I was sure when I submitted it would be accepted. Turned out it was, but only in the form of a duplicate submission a week later pointing to the same story I submited to As a knee-jerk reaction I whined abou

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