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Comment Agile is not Easy (Score 1) 491

Just because you're fit doesn't mean you can tear up the parkour course.

If you've done agile right the code is the documentation, and it reads like documentation.

Agile is not developer centric, it's user centric. If what you are doing is developer centric, it's not agile.

The toughest thing in Agile is getting a good person in the user role. That's why it works great for consultancies where the user pays for the privilege of guiding their project every day, and not so much for the enterprise where nobody wants the responsibility. It is a better career move to wait and throw bombs at a failed project then to get involved and make decisions everyday.

Comment Risk is good (Score 1) 548

The problem is not the bonus it's that there is no actual risk, the banks lost it all and then they were bailed out.

Private profit and socialized losses is wrong, but the fix is not to eliminate the private profit, The risk needs to be real, big banks should fail when they are wrong.

Comment Stop arguing about the wrong things. (Score 1) 1797

Ron Paul is not against student loans, he is against federally backed student loans. If there is money to be made sending kids to college then the market can do it more effectively than a federal government. I don't know the real numbers but for every student loan success story there are several tragedies, kids drop out, become history majors, get swindled by for profit colleges, and many more are chronically under-employed. A market oriented student loan program is not going to eliminate every problem but there would be good incentives to avoid producing kids with large debts and small prospects. The risk is undiscovered talent languishing without a good education, but talent usually finds a way, it might be a harder road, but no harder than life without talent and with debt.

The topic of debate is the proper role of the federal government, we all want to find a way to get an education to the kids that could use one, but what is subsidized by the government becomes overpriced and overproduced.

Comment evil and stupid (Score 1) 500

Gas tax already exists, as does the bureaucracy and the collection mechanism. If they need more revenue just change a number, issue a memo, the tax goes up, the revenue goes up, you still have incentives to buy efficient cars and drive less, all easy and efficient.

Creating a new tax authority, with new electronic boxes, a new collection mechanism that deals with each individual car owner is silly expensive. If the goal is collecting more money the answer is obvious. When the answer chosen by the government is not the obvious one you should wonder, what are they really trying to do?

Comment Because it used to be so much better (Score 5, Interesting) 271

Before the Internet local schools were all awesome, local politicians were honest and dutiful, and the zoning board members could never be bought off, because everyone was cowed into sincerity by the local newspaper.

Or am I delusional.

This not a loss of local control, we haven't had that since the 1860's, it is loss of central control by big media companies who are pulling desperately on the strings they still have.

Submission + - If you were a rockstar

Moe Taxes writes: If instead of what you do you were a rockstar, but you were just as good at rocking as you are at what you really do, which rockstar would you be?

Mick Jagger
Kurt Cobain
Chrissie Hynde
Tommy Lee
Justin Bieber

Comment Fame Whores (Score 0, Troll) 1093

Science will always have it's fame whores and agenda driven hacks, on both sides of any issue.

Climate Science looks an awful lot like Social Science, mounds of data with statistics offered as proof.

If there are not results that can be reproduced in a controlled experiment I can't call it science.

Even if the worst scenarios turn out to be true there is no excuse for totalitarian world government.

Comment Kensington expert mouse (Score 2, Informative) 569

It's not a mouse really it's a trackball, and it's not wireless, but it is the best pointing device I've used for programming.

I like to keep my eyes on the code, and I use vim so I don't reach for the mouse a lot, but when I do I want to find it in the same place on my workstation every time. That's the best thing about a trackball, they don't move, the wires don't move and don't get snagged or tangled so who needs to mess with batteries or recharging. Give that ball a flick and the pointer scoots across the screen, so much better than doing push, lift, pull, drop circles with my poor old wrists.

Long time ago when I worked on Windows I used all four big buttons programmed for click, double click, hold down, and left click. Now I work in KDE, use the mouse much less, and almost never double click.

If you can find one get the old Expert Mouse. The new Expert Mouse Pro has extra buttons and a wheel and has suffered much cost reduction, it's is cheap crap compared to the original.

An important thing to remember, mice are for poking and hoping, exploring programs you have not seen before, when you know what you are doing working with a mouse versus a keyboard is like pointing and grunting versus fluent conversation.

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