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Comment Re:It's a block size vs available space issue (Score 1) 170

It's a block size vs available space issue so 90% full kills performance on small drives with big blocks (eg. SSDs from a couple of years back)...

OK, while I've not experienced that myself (no SSDs deployed), it certainly makes sense--much more so than the "blanket 90%" claim that people repeat mindlessly.

Comment Re:We have more but we USE more. (Score 1) 170

Perhaps more importantly, running at 90% of capacity kills your performance if you still use spinning glass platters as your primary storage medium (not so much when talking about a SAN of SSDs). In general, when you hit 90% full, you have problems other than just how long you can last before reaching 100%.

Do you have actual experience or data to back up that claim? Because my verified benchmarked experience is the opposite, 90% does NOT "kill" performance. Of course you're using inner tracks and getting lower transfer speeds, but nothing really dramatic like what you'd see with extreme fragmentation.

I will admit however, that when you get to 0.15% free (on a 4TB disk), performance really sux rox ;-)

Comment Re:Typical government waste and inefficiency. (Score 1) 115

I have failed miserably looks like. Even adding the bit about railway rolling stock did not help. Well, that is the problem when you speak with a tongue in the cheek. You end up chewing your own tongue.

That was meant to be tongue in cheek? Oh, OK then ;-)

Problem is, it's election season, and what you said there was really not much different than some of the bullshit that we're inundated with nightly on TV commercials, and flyers in the mail. My favorite so far is the one accusing a Democrat of attempting to "replace Medicare with a completely government-run system". Uhhhmmm, excuse me???

Comment Re:Typical government waste and inefficiency. (Score 1) 115

This is how over built and inefficient government services are.

That was one of the most stupid nonsensical posts I have ever seen here. You calculated the "load factor" based on each of 11,000,000 people instead of on the number of 911 operators.

And of course that's not even counting the fact that 911 services pretty much need to be provisioned to handle *peak* loads, not average (nor even median).

Comment Re:I'm still waiting... (Score 1) 161

I dunno, I still think the ignorant asses are the people arguing that a clump of cells without so much as a functioning brain stem can somehow be so special as to deserve special consideration.

YES! That's the core issue, and I get sick of proponents of stem cell research (and pro-choice politics) who are too timid to stand up and say it!

Comment Re:Why Cold Fusion (or something like it) Is Real (Score 1) 350

But to say it is impossible is to step beyond the limitations of science.

I didn't say it was impossible. Neither did the article referred to. All I implied was that so far all claimed examples of cold fusion demonstrably fall into 2 buckets: 1) poorly-designed experiments which have been discredited by the attempts to reproduce them, 2) outright frauds.

Further, it is pretty clear that Rossi's falls into the category of outright fraud. His results were "reproduced" by people with a history of working with him, left the possibility of faking the amount of energy input, did not properly measure the energy output, and involved him putting the "fuel" in at the beginning and removing it at the end. Add it all up, and the claim that his e-Cat has been independently tested is outright laughable.

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