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Journal Journal: Worst President Ever

I really wish Nixon had lived to see this administration. I think he died feeling really bad and thinking he'd be remembered as the worst president ever, and after this he could say "Well... you know... I may have been bad but at least I wasn't that guy!"

To be fair to the Bush administration, they were left holding the bag that was started in the 80's when the Reagan administration started deregulating everything. And to be fair, the Clinton administration continued that trend. And hey, imagine our surprise when, realizing that they were no longer accountable to "laws," companies victimized the American people. Had Congress noticed, in the past two decades that lenders were coming up with new and elaborate schemes to treat the American people as their personal piggy banks, perhaps the trend could have been reversed. They were too busy whoring out the law to the highest bidder. More than enough blame to go around, here.

Meanwhile, when corporations couldn't meet their unrealistic growth goals to keep their stock prices propped up, they had to resort to their own shenanigans. Even after we noticed that, we didn't do much about it. That would have required evil regulation. God forbid we have that, we much prefer the current system where companies regularly sacrifice their own employees to the god of the almighty profit.

No the Bush administration is simply the poo cherry on a giant turd sandwich that has been years in the making. Had things gone just slightly differently they would only be remembered as a mildly ineffective and inept administration. But as they say, the buck stops at the top no matter how much you might try to point the finger of blame elsewhere. You can say "But... it wasn't my fault!" That's OK. We'll blame you anyway. Nixon would be happy to know that he'll go down in history as the second worst president ever.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Who Gets Pardoned Before W Leaves Office? 1

Hey everyone! Write down your predictions for who Bush pardons before he leaves office!

I think the first guy on the list is Ted "Series of Tubes" Stephens.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Who the Fuck is Cerberus and Why Should You Care?

Bush cronie John Snow and Chrysler? No matter how much bleach we apply to this administration's taint-stain of failure and ineptitude, I don't think we're ever going to get it clean.

Question is, does Bush bail out the auto-industry because he gives a damn about all those workers who are going to lose their jobs, or to help his former cronie recoup his losses and jettison the company?

User Journal

Journal Journal: On The Erection Of Imaginary Structures

I was listening to NPR on the way in to work today and they were talking about how justice in Afghanistan is still largely handled through tribal councils rather than the shiny new judicial system that we've put in place over there. That got me thinking about how difficult it is to erect an imaginary structure. A judicial system is an imaginary structure that people agree to respect. If the system is overly flawed, ineffective or even if people are just not comfortable with it, its chances of survival are low.

The judicial system in Afghanistan probably closely resembles ours back when the country first started out. We've had a couple hundred years to tweak our system and adapt it to our needs. The problem in the case of Afghanistan is that a parallel structure exists which people are more comfortable with, and so people continue to prefer the tribal councils over the one we've put in places. If the judicial system we put in place is to survive, it will most likely need to integrate the tribal councils in to its functioning in some way. If people are willing to use it then it can improve to meet the specific needs of the Afghan population. We should not be surprised if their judicial system ends up looking nothing like ours.

Countries are not the only places that have imaginary structures, though. I've worked for a lot of different companies over the years, and they all have their own way of doing things. The internal processes and procedures of a large company also comprise an imaginary structure. A structure which is nearly impossible to change. Most people don't look at the structure as a whole and instead prefer to keep their heads down to stay focused on their own job. I think that companies that encourage this behavior miss out on a lot of productivity that could be obtained from people actually working together. They often call this understanding the big picture.

Unfortunately the big picture is remarkably complex. What we need is a way to break this picture down in to understandable chucks which we can look at individually. Those chunks could be then used to build the big picture. Or perhaps just "a" big picture, after all a company is also just a bite-sized chunk of the big picture that is our society. In that context, perhaps we could apply some of the concepts of object-oriented programming and design patterns to corporate (or international) process. After all, each team has some inputs and some outputs. What happens inside the team is not really important as long as the outputs happen in an expected time after the inputs.

If the inputs and outputs of each team in the company are documented and understood by all the team members and all the people that team interacts with, things become much more orderly. Ask any person what their job is and what is expected from them and they will actually be able to tell you. It is then up to the lead of that team to insure that the team is adequately staffed to do all the work assigned to the team.

Could this process be applied to the Afghan justice system as well as to a business process? Certainly one of the problems facing the new judicial system which we've put in place is that many Afghans do not know anything about it. Like our business process, the Afghan courts have inputs and outputs. The ultimate goal of both is produce something of value for the people involved. Broken down in an understandable fashion makes it easier to tweak any little piece of the puzzle that doesn't quite fit correctly. Both systems should be allowed to evolve toward perfection.

Now if only I could find a company that's willing to let me experiment on them with my "object-oriented business process." Or a country willing to let me experiment on them with an "Object oriented judicial system." Hmm...


Journal Journal: Aspiring Expectations 1


The charges leveled against Illinois Gov. Blagojevich could not have come at a better time for the Democratic party. Since the election of Obama there has been an unprecedented optimism about our political system. To hear people talk, the moment Obama takes office magical fairies and unicorns will fly out of his butt and fix the economy, global warming and our political system.

The accusations against Blagojevich should go a long way toward restoring American cynicism toward its political system. We are forcibly reminded that politicians are by nature corrupt and inept. This is because humans are by nature corrupt and inept. When someone is elected to office they do not shed their humanity. They and their opinions do not become any wiser or smarter than the people that elected them.

Which brings us back to Obama. The hype has taken on a life of its own. Obama is not the second coming of Christ. No magical fairies will be appearing to magically fix everything when he takes office. What Obama needs to accomplish will take a tremendous amount of work and no small amount of time.

If the hype had continued to grow, it would have resulted in a lot of disillusionment of a lot of Americans. We're not well-known for our patience or our attention span, after all. This good old fashioned corruption scandal is doing a wonderful job of shutting down the hype machine. This may actually give Obama the time he needs to demonstrate some actual results, since all the USA's problems will not be magically solved the moment he takes office.

Ultimately we need to realize that our leaders are only human, and we need to make it difficult for them to abuse their positions. We should not tolerate a culture of corruption and ineptitude when the fate of our nation is at stake. I am hopeful that Obama realizes this and will use his mandate to push real reforms to our system.


Journal Journal: Is a fasttrack to fast?

Interesting stuff going on these times in Poland. The approval process for OOXML was moved from the technical committee KT171 to KT182 just after it was clear that the former one will vote "No with comments". The latter of course accepted the specification without any "no" votes! Members of the Foundation for Free and Open Software (FWIOO) weren't allowed to take part in the voting, after being told previously that they will be accepted into the committee. Apparently Google Poland and IBM Poland sent letters of protest to PKN, the Polish standards body.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Alarm clock?

The Blackjacks were a small (okay, perhaps not-so-small) band in Boston from the heyday of local music in Boston. Their biggest hit Saturday, which made a splash on the college airwaves, starts with the lyrics in my signature.

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Administration: An ingenious abstraction in politics, designed to receive the kicks and cuffs due to the premier or president. -- Ambrose Bierce
