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Comment Re:Wind (Score 1) 35

First, you have to be really lucky to find a place that has directly opposig winds at different nearby altitudes. This is what makes Albuquerque such a favorite place for ballooning.

Then...what happens to your broadband signal as the balloon changes altitude while whiffling all over the place trying to keep station?

Comment Re: Somewhat less intuitive (Score 1) 270

Especially because those were the days when any error in a Windows app would cause Windows itself to terminate by "dumping to DOS." You would never know what caused the termination, since there was no longer a Windows environment in which to display the message, just that cryptic little blinking C:>.

Had I thought to buy a share of Apple when that happened instead of beating my head on the desk like everyone else, I would be a brazillionaire now.

Comment The Segway problem (Score 4, Insightful) 45

The hapless Segway would have been hero technology had it first been marketed to those handicapped who can stand but not walk. It would be intermediate tech between fully mobile and chairs, which take you out of the eye-contact world of the normally upright.

In the same way, Glass could have been introduced as a niche product for stock traders and surgeons who need some HUD information in their peripheral vision while performing a task that they want others to look in on. Instead of sneering at Glass, hipsters would be vying to get their hands on "surgeon glasses" to impress their dates.

Submission + - Undergraduates Discover Densest Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies (

Applehu Akbar writes: This discovery, using imaging data from several large telescopes, identifies two new ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCD), M59-UCD3 and M85-HCC1.

UCDs are small galaxies that have stellar densities of, in the case of M85-HCC1, up a million times higher than Earth's stellar neighborhood. That would mean stars averaging one twentieth of a light year apart. In such a place our own Oort cloud would contain other stars.

Furthermore, these galaxies are considerably older than our own and contain an abundance of heavy elements.

Comment Re:quickly to be followed by self-driving cars (Score 1) 904

You're describing a special purpose vehicle, the kind which is often customized for some job. If we move away from the everybody-owns-a-car model, the first type of vehicle to be affected will be the commuter jellybeans you take to work every day. If you can set up a standing order for a rental to be available at time X every morning at your home address, and if you could fire up an app at work to call a car for 30 minutes from now, a lot of people would gladly move from ownership to a subscription rental model. All idle cars could be kept at the community solar farm, charging away until calls come in, absorbing the midday generation surge; at night they would sit at the same place, giving back any extra charge to the Smart Grid for the evening's local usage.

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